nibblebot / sublime-js2coffee

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Sublime Text 3 support #14

Open simonexmachina opened 11 years ago

simonexmachina commented 11 years ago

This package is not listed in Package Control in Sublime Text 3. Is ST3 supported?

andrewmartin commented 11 years ago

I'm having issues getting it to work in ST3, and not seeing anything in the Console.

Any chance we could get this rolling for ST3? I love this package.

andrewmartin commented 11 years ago

Here's what I'm seeing now in ST3 Console:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/Sublime", line 524, in run_
  File "/Users/andrewmartin/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/JS2Coffee/", line 13, in run
    output = self.js2coffee(contents)
  File "/Users/andrewmartin/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/JS2Coffee/", line 40, in js2coffee
    output, error = js2coffee.communicate(contents)
  File "X/", line 906, in communicate
  File "X/", line 1513, in _communicate
  File "X/", line 1608, in _communicate_with_poll
TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
andrewmartin commented 11 years ago

:+1: for this :smile: I keep swapping over to ST2 on a daily basis to do simple things like convert a Gruntfile.js over to Coffee. Would love to have this work in ST3 if possible!

Thanks again for this awesome plugin.

noctivityinc commented 10 years ago


willhoag commented 10 years ago


miketucker commented 10 years ago


mdtjr commented 10 years ago

If my python were up to the challenge, I'd put in the debugging time myself. The plugin is just so damn useful.

liverbool commented 10 years ago


berkaytheunicorn commented 9 years ago


CurtisHumphrey commented 9 years ago


TangMonk commented 9 years ago


tsktsktsky commented 9 years ago


kostasx commented 8 years ago

The Sublime Text 3 version of the plugin can be found here

voltechs commented 7 years ago

For the record, to install the plugin @kostasx mentioned,

Command + Shift + P => Add Repository enter the GitHub url... Then proceed to install it via package control.

BTW, I've made a PR to get this into the main package control repo: