Closed DonStefano closed 4 years ago
Hi Stefan, I've kust tried to reproduce this, but I can set 0 either for minutes or duration and both is reported as 0. Any hint, how to reproduce this or where to see this issue? Rgds, Joerg
Hi Joerg, I have set the start time in Worx App and it is reported as null in binding. Thank you! Stefan
Good Morning Stefan, I'v set 17:00 - 18:00 in Worx App on iOS but all is reports as 0 in openHAB :-/
Even if I start at midnight, als is reported as 0
I might be doing something different than you?
Regards Joerg
Sorry,I discovered that it was my fault. I had an 's' missing at the end of the channel name in my .items file. So the real channel was never read.
I'm using org.openhab.binding.worxlandroid-2.5.3-SNAPSHOTv0.2.jar binding version.
My Landroid mowing StartMinute for Sunday is defined as
Number:Time Landroid_Mowing_Plan_Sunday_StartMinute "[%.0f min]" (Landroid_Status_Info_Plan) { channel="worxlandroid:mower:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:datScSunday#scheduleStartMinute"}
When a value of 0 Minutes is defined in the Worx Landoid app the binding returns null instead of 0 Minutes. To retrieve the intValue of that Minutes to create a DateTime I have to do various transformations:var Integer Landroid_Mowing_Plan_StartMinute = 0
if (Landroid_Mowing_Plan_Sunday_Duration.state instanceof Number) Landroid_Mowing_Plan_Duration = (Landroid_Mowing_Plan_Sunday_Duration.state as Number).intValue
var DateTime Mowing_Plan_Start = now.withTime(Landroid_Mowing_Plan_StartHour, Landroid_Mowing_Plan_StartMinute, 0, 0)
I'm using this to start a timer to power up my Landroid in the morning that it is not charged during night:val DateTime Mowing_Plan_Start_Power = Mowing_Plan_Start.minusMinutes(30)
RobbyTimer = createTimer(Mowing_Plan_Start_Power, [| RobbyTimer = null Garden_Landroid_Power.sendCommand(ON) ])
As null is usually used to express a non initialized value, please change 0 Minutes to 0 as a value returned from binding. Thanks, Stefan