nibi79 / worxlandroid

openHAB Binding for Worx Landroid
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Support for Landxcape? #35

Open sascha777 opened 4 years ago

sascha777 commented 4 years ago

Hi, i just bought a Landxcape LX812i with WiFi an App support. The mover seems to be the same production as the Landroids but it looks like it’s connecting to its own cloud or at least to another server than Landroid. Does someone tested the Landxcape to work with the bridge?

int5749 commented 4 years ago

Hi, not sure as I haven't heard this has been tested nor that it works. This Binding is for Mowers of Worx only, probably it can be adopted to work with other companies. But this would require to have such Mower at home etc.. I recommend to look at where a desktop app exist and seems to also support Landxcape. You may get this working and to provide JSON string so it can be compared. Again - beside the effort to make this specific binding working with other supplier, there is still limitation in testing,

001Tycoon commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have a LandXcape LX790i that is running on Linux with the desktop app. Standard functions all work.

Config.json {"blade":0,"board":"LRM100","broker":"","email":"###################","h":470,"mac":"98D86#######","name":"LX790i","pass":"#########","plugins":[],"top":false,"uuid":"#######-####-####-####-##########","w":422,"x":503,"y":172}

I hope this helps Many Thanks

001Tycoon commented 3 years ago


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