Closed BashCache closed 1 year ago
One of several possible explanations for the fact that the values of accuracy differ strongly between Jaccard/ IoU or Dice/ F1 could be that the former is calculated on all classes (e.g. foreground and background) but the latter for binary decisions always only on the first of two classes, by default the smaller one. Now, if you have an unbalanced class ratio and accidentally use the wrong class as the first class, this could lead to wrong values. For this reason I prefer to use the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) or the Mean Intersection over Union, which corresponds to the Jaccard averaged over all classes.
Another possible source of error, has also been mentioned here: Here, the two values are calculated on decimal numbers instead of class numbers 0 and 1 (or 1 and 2). I have therefore adjusted these lines: Now they look like this to me:
def jaccard(y_true, y_pred):
"""calculate the Jaccard during training and validation
y_true: groundtruth labels
y_pred: predicted labels
y_true_f = k.round(k.flatten(y_true))
y_pred_f = k.round(k.flatten(y_pred))
intersection = k.sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f)
union = k.sum(y_true_f + y_pred_f - y_true_f * y_pred_f)
jacc = intersection / (union + k.epsilon())
return jacc
(The author had good arguments for his variant, but on my own data these advantages did not show up).
No idea if any of these will solve your problem, but it's certainly worth looking into.
Thank you @saskra for the immediate reply. I will try with the above said methods for my model training.
Out of curiosity, did my tips help?
Hi @saskra, I tried with the formula you mentioned here and after rounding off the pixel values, the Jaccard index and dice coefficient seems to be performing really well. Apologies, I was busy with some work and couldn't respond for the thread after trying out. Thank you so much for resolving the issue :)
I am thankful to @saskra for his contribution, I am closing the issue as the problem of @BashCache is resolved.
Hello, I have tried using the MultiRes U-Net Architecture on a different dataset. My accuracy and loss works well. However, the Jaccard index and DICE coefficient remains always zero. Could you please let me know why this might happen and any possible suggestions for this?