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Login with local DB and Facebook only #6

Closed lordyavin closed 3 years ago

lordyavin commented 3 years ago

Please if you want to integrate third party authentication, then provide more than the biggest brother Facebook. I vote to completely drop Facebook integration! For the sake of privacy an individual login for the crag should be sufficient.

May I ask why the form provides Facebook as third party authenticator only?

rouletout commented 3 years ago

Login is part of the next phase, like it or not FB is one of the biggest 3rd party authenticators and would hurt us if not being available.

lordyavin commented 3 years ago

That does not answer why there are not more options. Additionally I wonder if the uprising generation of climbers has a Facebook account. If third party authentication shall be available then please be diverse and provide more than Facebook.

rouletout commented 3 years ago

Login with theCrag account works, FB, Google, and Apple authentication possible, closing