nical / lyon

2D graphics rendering on the GPU in rust using path tessellation.
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Stroke dash patterns and animations #673

Closed foobar27 closed 2 years ago

foobar27 commented 3 years ago

I'm currently considering to use lyon for an open source tool to create animations like the YouTube channel 3blue1brown, who wrote a python framework.

I have two use cases which I'm not 100% sure yet how to implement them on top of lyon.

The first use case is to render dashed strokes, the second is about animating strokes (like you would draw them on a sheet of paper by moving your pen).

These use cases are more related then they seem at the first sight:

As for the implementation (for both use cases) I would see several high-level options for implementing cubic or quadratic curves (linear strokes should be simple):

I tend to go for the flattening approach. Do you concur?

Finally, would this somehow fit into lyon? I see two options:

What do you think?

If you believe this would be a valuable addition to lyon, I could give it a try.

nical commented 3 years ago

In lyon_algorithms there is a walk module that lets you do something close to dashed patterns (not quite but close): it lets you invoke a callback at predefined intervals along the path using distance instead of curve parameter. You can see it in action if you run the wgpu example which uses that to position arrows along a path using instancing. the dashes don't get to bend along with the curves but they are positioned properly.

See and also an example of how it is used here

The stroke tessellator also has a crude approximation of the distance along the path (crude in the sense that the value you get on either side of the stroke is the distance of the center of the stoke). you can pass that to a shader and use it to hide/reveal parts depending on the distance. I suspect that it is not enough to render nice looking dashes close to sharp joins but it is likely enough to animate the stroke convincingly.

If you want really good looking dashes for arbitrary path I think that the most reasonable option is to implement a function that generates the contour of the dashes and tessellate it with the fill tessellator. I think that skia does that.

nical commented 3 years ago

Answering a bit more precisely

I think that you can already get away with using the vertex advancement to animate the stoke in the shader, but otherwise you could write an algorithm that takes a path event iterator and generates a path event event iterator that go from distances d0 to d1 of the imput. In fact if you do that you might be able use it for dashes as well.

Encode the dash pattern in the PathEvent, then let the tesselator split it after flattening it.

Having dashes in the path events would make everything more complicated, including algorithms that consume path events but for which dashing doesn't make sense. Path events, path data structures and tessellators should be independent from the notion of dashing, and dashing should be implemented in its own routines that leverage paths, tessellators, etc.

Add it to lyon_algorithm [..]

Yeah. Let me know if walk_path which is already there fits your purpose. Otherwise you could write a more general dashing algorithm that not only provides the start and end of the dashes, but also the curve segments within each dash. It would be great if it could be implemented without allocating a path for each dash. For example a callback invoked for each dash, that provides an iterator of path events, and that iterator walks the edges within the dash of the original path but splits the first and last edge to only show the right parts. or even something that takes an iterator and dashing parameters and produces an iterator of iterators of path events so that you could write:

for dash in path.iter().dashed(DashOptions { .. }) {
    for path_evt in dash {
        // ...

It's super nice from an API point of view but it can be harder to write. If you can implement something like that without allocating memory I'll gladly add it to lyon_algorithms.

Once you have your dashes you can either write an algorithm to turn the path of a stroke into a fill countour and tessellate it with the fill tessellator for maximum quality, or tessellate it directly with the stroke tessellator.

I'd very much like to have a stroke-to-fill conversion in lyon (cf. #564).

foobar27 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the extensive explanations. I will try to implement the nested iterator approach and come back to you once I have a first prototype.

Dollab commented 3 years ago

Hi, if you need to draw a lot of dashed lines with high performance and good antialiasing I recommend this approach : You would need to implement a different stroke tessellator to output the correct information per vertex but it works quite well.

nical commented 3 years ago

@Dollab The tessellation in this paper looks close to what lyon's stroke tessellator produces. I'm keen on adding to the stroke tessellator to make this work but it's not clear to me a first pass on the paper how the "texture coordinates" (texcoord in their shader code) are produced in a way that looks good with angles. Have you implemented something like that?

Edit: Ah nevemind, the joins with overlaping segments are how they handle angles that are not close to linear. The question is then how do they deal with transparency when segments overlaps.

Dollab commented 3 years ago

@nical I've implemented a variation of this approach. I've replaced the baked angles by the coordinates of the four vertices surrounding the join, in order to directly compute the needed cos and sin in the shader. I've also replaced the attributes with the total length of the path with a bit flag on the vertices coordinates indicating if we are at the end or the start of the path, this enables the path to be scaled / sheared via a matrix transform in the shader without breaking the joins. Finally, I've added the changes needed to handle edge cases such as when a path segment is smaller than the width of the stroke. This makes the stroke tessellator very simple.

The remaining problems of the approach in my experience are :

For my use case, a CAD web app, these trade offs are ok.

I'll be happy to share the code if you are interested.

nical commented 2 years ago

The path sampler makes it easy to create dash patterns by using the split_range method with each range a..b being a dash from distance a to distance b along the path.