niccalle / cogs121

Cogs 121 Repository!!
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Milestone 3 feedback #3

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

kandarpksk commented 7 years ago

Write comments below, not in a separate thread.

sandrahluo commented 7 years ago

Team K8: One Big Happy Family

Sandra: I like that you've come up with a lot of ideas for product features and are very intentional about assigning roles and how you're splitting up the work. Is sharing on social media platforms a functionality that users would use though?

I wish that you would specify what your minimum viable product is. What functionalities do you want to have implemented at the very least and what functionalities are "stretch goals"?

Ryan: I like how beyond just being a visualization of a bike route, there are extra features like nearby places to visit on your route. If it is seeing pictures/videos of a bike path, I can't imagine myself wanting to look at it. It seems like Google Maps might be not quite as flashy, but it does the job. With the addition of other features, I can imagine there being more of an appeal to use the platform as a whole.

I wish that instead of a whole video, just the highlight reel was shown. When I go cycling, I usually go out for an hour or more, and I don't want to prep for an hour ride with another hour of watching a video. I just want to be informed with key details.

Greg: I like that they are allowing the user to draw their own route, I enjoy the feedback between the user and the system.

I wish that they discussed a plan to further educate the user, they are using the condition of the commuter (bikes and walking), I think information can be integrated into the map that will help people to decide how they make those initial decisions (terrain, traffic, weather etc.)

robertarin commented 7 years ago

Team K9 - Founding Fathers

Robert: I like - drawable routes. Feels very user friendly. I wish - Suggestions based on other users and maybe route reviews would be cool.

Sean: I like the first person perspective, which may be more valuable than a bird's eye view. I wish visualizations could be provided for various times of day.

Vincent: I like how the users can choose which route to pick based on their preferences (some bikers like steeper routes for the workout, others are more casual). I wish that there will be customizable options that will influence suggested routes (casual vs hardcore workout; how long someone wants to bike for; allergy avoiding - like avoid a dog park, this last one is more of a stretch goal). I think that the first two I mentioned are great possible additions to your app, and the last one is a stretch goal you might consider if you have time!

Ruoqi Liu: I LIKE: It clearly shows surrounding besides route, which greatly increases interests and joy of riding. What's more, not like Google Map, it also gives users more freedom to choose a suitable route by offering more details of route(generating a video!) I WISH: It can give users some suggestions of which route is the most popular or interesting or challenged.

kandarpksk commented 7 years ago

My concern here would be if you can get the data necessary to make the "video". Think about what you could do otherwise... Also, how will this be more useful than Google Map's elevation visualization?

PS: These are just some questions, some of which I'm sure you would have already thought about. Don't take it as criticism! Good work with the storyboards. Make sure to iterate on and not commit to the sketches early on (they are just to make the idea concrete enough to present for feedback). Feel free to ping me on Messenger to discuss.