niccalle / cogs121

Cogs 121 Repository!!
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Milestone 4 feedback #4

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

paulkim94 commented 7 years ago

Team K2 (Guo-po)

Paul Kim I was confused about the prototype's main focus. It had multiple features like providing multiple routes to a specific location, video feature, and sharing feature. It was confusing to determine how the map was the core feature of the prototype. After talking to the team, it made more sense, but the prototypes alone were not clear in explaining the main point of the application.

Judd Gatbonton I was confused by all the differing views in the app. Also, I think the user would be confused by having 2 differing views at the same time. It'd be nice to see how the users can create their profiles and have preferences for whether they want to bike/drive/walk

Ranvijay Singh I really like that you show the points of interest along the way. I know that can be very useful especially for longer trips. One change I would suggest is to keep the slider function at the same position on both of your screens for keeping things consistent.

Anthony Grundle I like the ability to progress further along the routes using the slider that was a feature of all of the prototypes. It might be even implemented even better by being able to slide your location along the routes in the mini-map (similar to google street view kind of). I wish: I was confused by the video perspective and it might be easier to just have the slider without the video terminology.

EmpressFavy commented 7 years ago

Team 17 Andrew Fancett I like how you can share the trail you went on in terms of biking, this could be applied to many things like hiking, or even when I go snowboarding I can show my friends my favorite paths down the mountain. (I know that is outside of the scope of this app right now but will it have that sort of functionality, or is it only going to work off google streets view?) I'm not so sure if the rate the route is a good idea to add for now. Most people will just be doing their day to day walking/biking along streets that aren't exciting. Maybe I'm just being too critical of that one aspect though.

Drew Bartleman In terms of rating and sharing routes, I don't see the problem of routes changing being addressed. This is a brilliant idea and looks super cool, but what happens when the info becomes outdated? Construction, closed trail, etc? And what if the trail goes off and then back on street view areas? Just a few things to think about, I otherwise love the idea and was only confused by the initial concept that you guys cleared up well in class. Well done.