I am most interested in knowing that a plant is nearby when I am closest to it.
Telling me that it is 100 meters away does not really help me.
We're using Polar.sh so you can upvote and help fund this issue. We receive the funding once the issue is completed & confirmed by you. Thank you in advance for helping prioritize & fund our work.
vibrate when the distance to the marker increases of the current position
needs one position point
vibrate when the distance to the marker increases of the estimated next position
handle special case of first position
handle special case of position used by test location vs. GPS location. Solution could be to create a test instance.
needs at least two position points
statistically estimate the direction - what is when one stands on the same place? Then, we can assume the direction to hop around - needs at least 3 position points.
I am most interested in knowing that a plant is nearby when I am closest to it. Telling me that it is 100 meters away does not really help me.
We're using Polar.sh so you can upvote and help fund this issue. We receive the funding once the issue is completed & confirmed by you. Thank you in advance for helping prioritize & fund our work.