The original text color of the component is '#626363', and the contrast between the text color ('#626363') and the background color ('#D6D7D7') does not meet the standard of WCAG 2.1. In other words, this color cannot be easily seen by everyone. So, to solve this problem, our team designed a tool that can automatically detect and repair such problems. The test report and recommended replacement colors ('#5C5D5D') are as follows:
![Uploading image.png…]()
The figure on the left is the original page, the figure on the right is the repaired page, and the figure below is the problem detection report.
If you think it is useful, please give me feedback. Your feedback is very important to me. We sincerely hope to receive your suggestions and opinions as an app developer.
Thanks for that modification:
I do not know about these contrast issues - so, good you made a PR and bring in your knowledge
I cannot see the screen shot
If this is a kind-of automated thing like @dependabot, then it is to know that each app comes with a specific update process and you might need to modify other files, too to release it
Do you use to tool to detect that? I think if there was an explanation in the PR of which tool you use and how it can be integrated into automated testing, that would be awesome!
Usually, these colors appear at other places, too - How would I know?
The original text color of the component is '#626363', and the contrast between the text color ('#626363') and the background color ('#D6D7D7') does not meet the standard of WCAG 2.1. In other words, this color cannot be easily seen by everyone. So, to solve this problem, our team designed a tool that can automatically detect and repair such problems. The test report and recommended replacement colors ('#5C5D5D') are as follows: ![Uploading image.png…]() The figure on the left is the original page, the figure on the right is the repaired page, and the figure below is the problem detection report. If you think it is useful, please give me feedback. Your feedback is very important to me. We sincerely hope to receive your suggestions and opinions as an app developer.