Open CharmingCheung opened 8 months ago
I just forked the repository and attempted to change the firmware versions referenced in to 4.0.8_0008.0010 and 4.0.6_0011.0004 respectively, before re-flashing via Telnet. The attempt to flash 4.0.8_0008.0010 failed, but 4.0.6_0011.0004 was successful. Upon reviewing the commits for 4.0.8_0008.0010, I noticed some changes to the Zigbee-related code. Could the issue be related to this? If I want to flash the 4.1.0xxx version again, do I need to OTA to the official 4.1.0 version before flashing the modified firmware?
My M2PoE is currently running on the modified firmware version 4.0.6_0011.0004. I am attempting to upgrade to version 4.1.0_0007.0010 via Telnet, but I have encountered an error. Can you please assist me with this issue?