nicedouble / StreamlitAntdComponents

A Streamlit component to display Antd-Design
MIT License
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why streamlit_antd_components can't work with extra_streamlit_components or Streamlit-Cookies-Controller #64

Open DrLuRen opened 1 month ago

DrLuRen commented 1 month ago

streamlit_antd_components : VERSION__ = "0.3.2" extra_streamlit_components:pip3 install extra_streamlit_components

if __name__ == '__main__':
    st.set_page_config(page_title="人资共享业务系统", page_icon='📈', layout='wide', initial_sidebar_state='expanded')
    cookie_manager = CookieManager()
    cookies = cookie_manager.get_all()
    modified = sac.Tag('修改密码', color='blue', bordered=False)

it will be full blank ,please help!