nicefaa6waa / genshin-sddm-theme

Animated Genshin Log in screen theme for SDMM
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 5 forks source link

QML Column/Row error in LoginPanel, PlayerPlanel and DataTimePanel during launching/testing SDDM theme #28

Open Wittano opened 3 months ago

Wittano commented 3 months ago

I wanted install your SDDM theme on NixOS. I tried recreated your installation process(based on your on my machine, but I got problem. SDDM theme built success, I can launch too, but I doesn't see animation in background, I can't login via LoginPanel and some icons looks like a little too big. image image I installed required dependencies and additional(perhaps, some dependencies has conflict between other):

# Each comment, I compered packages to Arch packages equivalent
qt6Deps = with pkgs.qt6; [ qtbase ]; # qt6-base
gstreamerDeps = with pkgs.gst_all_1; [ 
  gst-plugins-ugly # gst-plugins-ugly
  gst-plugins-bad # gst-plugins-bad 
  gst-plugins-good # gst-plugins-good 
  gst-plugins-base # gst-plugins-base
  gst-libav # gst-libav 
qt5Deps = with pkgs.libsForQt5.qt5; [ # Each Qt5 packages is compatible with Qt 5.15
  qtgraphicaleffects # qt5-graphicaleffects 
  qtquickcontrols2 # qt5-quickcontrols
  qtmultimedia # qt5-multimedia
  pkgs.libsForQt5.phonon-backend-gstreamer # phonon-qt5-gstreamer

During tests I found errors in Row and Column object in QML:

Loading file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/Main.qml...
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/LoginPanel.qml:189:9: QML Column: Cannot specify top, bottom, verticalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Column. Column will not function.
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/PlayerPanel.qml:54:9: QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function.
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/DateTimePanel.qml:30:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
Adding view for "DVI-D-0" QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
Loading file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/Main.qml...
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/LoginPanel.qml:189:9: QML Column: Cannot specify top, bottom, verticalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Column. Column will not function.
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/PlayerPanel.qml:54:9: QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function.
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/DateTimePanel.qml:30:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
Adding view for "HDMI-0" QRect(1920,0 1920x1080)
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/LoginPanel.qml:189:9: QML Column: Cannot specify top, bottom, verticalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Column. Column will not function.
file:///home/wittano/projects/config/nix-dotfiles/result/share/sddm/themes/genshin-sddm-theme/components/LoginPanel.qml:189:9: QML Column: Cannot specify top, bottom, verticalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Column. Column will not function.

Perhaps, I forgot some dependencies or you use a newer version of them. I also tried other SDDM theme with animation(see and this SDDM theme works without any fix or install a new dependencies. I don't have enough knowledge to fixed by myself so... Could you check where can it be problem?

nicefaa6waa commented 3 months ago

Hi.Thank you for reporting this issue.First the row and column errors have nothing to do with video playing.I think it is about video codecs.You see aerial theme uses videos from the internet while my theme download vıdeos locally and uses them.Downloadıng a lot of videos locally may be an issue to a lot of people so for backgound videos I used h265 for better compression.I think on some OS gstreamer support for h265 codec may be different.For loading videos and door videos I've used webm codec since that was the only one that supported transparent videos.Usually people didn't face any compatibilty issues but you are not the first one that faced this issue.I recently changed my laptop to a Mac so I'm still trying to get used to it.Im planning to stream videos as aerial theme does.Until then you can check other closed video codec issues but most of them aren't resolved since I can't tell what is the issue.Again really thanks A LOT for using this theme and sorry for the inconvenience.I will update the video codecs and fix more compatibilty issues ASAP.Please let me know if you somehow managed to fix this issue or ıf you face any other issues in the future.Have a good day,thank you for helping me to improve my sddm theme!

Wittano commented 3 months ago

thx for working on that. I'll wait for patch. I have a question, about your changing video codes from h256 to webm. Is possible to changing your cloud storage for the huge video files? In long-short story: Nix/NixOS packages can't using megatools. If you can, could you change cloud store hosting to another? I'm not sure, which cloud hosting allow to download files without using dedicated tools (may be Google Driver or Dropbox).

If you don't want to change, that's ok, I may prepare github actions, that will create tar archive and deb package, causes sometimes I like return to Debian/Ubuntu distribution. .deb package will be helpful for users, cause we won't manage manually package and reinstall them, but we'll be able manage via APT(installing, uninstalling and upgrading)

That will resolve my problem with downloading the videos files

nicefaa6waa commented 3 months ago

I have google drive link in Manual Installation but gdown usually didn't work because google changes cookie settings every day so installing videos from gdrive is pain in the a**.I've tried using wget and curl also but none of them worked as good as megatools.I recommend using Endevaour OS or Arch.It is my personal choice tho i've used Debian and Ubuntu before and i can say Arch or Arch based Distros are way better.About the videos I will upload them to cloud and use them as aerial does.It may take some time tho.

Wittano commented 3 months ago

Ok, that isn't problem for me to creating pipelines for theme. I thought about, should I wait for moving videos to other cloud. Ferb(@nicefaa6waa) I know what i'm gonna do tonight :D

nicefaa6waa commented 3 months ago

lol.Alright keep me updated!Have fun