nicehash / NiceHashMiner-Archived

NiceHash easy to use CPU&GPU Miner
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Cuda error Unspecidifed Launch failure in fuction #1469

Open gptcb opened 6 years ago

gptcb commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am running updated windows 10 pro with two gtx 1050 ti ( driver 390.65), updated nicehash client and am receiving a cuda unspecifined launch failure when I try to bench mark daggerhashimoto. Does anyone have a solution to fix this ?

quickmemo _2018-02-10-18-39-19

jmcrypto commented 6 years ago

I have had the same problem with basically every script for the last month and nicehash support has been useless. Does anyone know what would have caused this? I have a GTX 1060 3gb i am trying to use and it is killing me I built this whole mini rig computer thing to do this and haven't been able to.

I have: -reinstalled all drivers, windows, nicehash, tried NHML, cuda error.pdf