Running mostly on daggerhashimoto it starts with 52.9MH/s then after some minutes it drops to 45MH/s ish. Anyway to solve this? Also if someone could help me to increase my hash people told me I should be getting around 60MH/s. I tried to look it up but too few people using this videocard.
I solved the problem by controlling my GPU temp. So if you have the same problem chances are that your GPU is overheating. I blocked it on water and it gets much better hash now like 30% more.
Running mostly on daggerhashimoto it starts with 52.9MH/s then after some minutes it drops to 45MH/s ish. Anyway to solve this? Also if someone could help me to increase my hash people told me I should be getting around 60MH/s. I tried to look it up but too few people using this videocard.