nicehash / NiceHashMiner-Archived

NiceHash easy to use CPU&GPU Miner
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nicehash miner not working #770

Closed addictedindian closed 7 years ago

addictedindian commented 7 years ago


hello all when i go to benchmark process it shows tha following error

"this programme cant start because api-ms-win-crt--runtime-[1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer"

S74nk0 commented 7 years ago

@addictedindian Please specify what OS version are you using (ex. Windows 7 PRO SP1, Win 8.1...). Make sure you have installed. Report back if this solves your issue and give more information about your system.

sachadechef commented 7 years ago

I have the same error but with the following dll file "api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll" My OS is Win Srv 2012R2

almoharebh commented 7 years ago

here the file download here

kenshirothefist commented 7 years ago

@addictedindian please report back if you were able to solve the issues.

monev79 commented 7 years ago

hello i have problem with last version on windows7 not detect any cpu on my computer can you help me someway to fix? thank you in advance

Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago


Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago

I just started to try it with my old pc.... at 1st, everything is fine.... I close it, restart my pc, do a little experiment with cpu and gpu setting, runing it again, and that is the result..... any advice? meanwhile I'm gonna try Minergate.... newbie miner like me should learn a lot before made final decision to made investment in mining seriously, or just take it as fun hobby..... thanks anyway

kenshirothefist commented 7 years ago

@Mahesakardun you should explain a bit more what do you mean by "old PC". In your case this seems to be an issue with internet connectivity. Please take a look at this FAQ and try different locations.

@monev79 please make sure you have a compatible CPU, see also this wiki.

@addictedindian didn't respond after a few solutions were given to him, there we're closing this issue now.

Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago

4 this is my old pc specification....

Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago

5 this is my cpu benchmark...

Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago

6 this is my GPU benchmark....

Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago


@kenshirothefist if is because of internet connectivity, then why it could run in 1st attempt? or else, how come it could work in minergate? (ignore the result, like I said earlier, I wanna to learn it 1st) @monev79 any advice what kind of decent CPU I should Built? well just enough result to pay my net and electricity bill ? @addictedindian sorry for late response.... I'm still working at my office...

kenshirothefist commented 7 years ago

@Mahesakardun I'm afraid your testing PC is too slow to make relevant benchmarks. The disconnects might happen because the system is to slow to produce enough hashing shares per particular time period / time span. To make relevant comparison benchmarks you should use a recent Intel Core i5/i7 CPU or AMD Ryzen CPU and AMD Radeon R9/RX series or NVIDIA 9xx/10xx series GPU.

Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago

@kenshirothefist yeah, some guys in other forum told me the same thing, and I'm gonna start built new pc.... thanks bro.... :)

Mahesakardun commented 7 years ago

anyway... can I use more than 1 or multiple PC to mining in nicehash? I'm still configure out the heat on quad vs dual cross fire....