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check mathjax is working #15

Closed wcornwell closed 2 years ago

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

Hopefully this just works, but should check once @fontikar gets to migrating the statistics pages

fontikar commented 2 years ago

Is this referring to mathematical equations written in LaTex? e.g in Linear Regression and GLM? If so, they are not. Will definitely need to fix!

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

hmmm may have to read/understand this

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

@fontikar can you check if the equations are formatting correctly for you?

fontikar commented 2 years ago

Hi @wcornwell I had a look at Linear Models and Mixed Models but it looks like its sitll not working! I will take a closer look today too!

Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 9 01 39 am

wcornwell commented 2 years ago


Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 9 07 45 am
wcornwell commented 2 years ago

could be a caching issue?

I had to re-knit all the rmd files and my git status call now has a zillion uncommited changes

Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 9 10 52 am


fontikar commented 2 years ago

Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 9 11 42 am ITS WORKING!!!!!!!! THANKS WILL! What a lovely simple solution! (I had realised I hadn't fetched your recent changes in layout/partials) - you can most certainly close the issue!

fontikar commented 2 years ago

could be a caching issue?

I had to re-knit all the rmd files and my git status call now has a zillion uncommited changes Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 9 10 52 am :

Interesting....I often see files with .Rmd.lock appearing when I reknit and then disappearing. Did you use the knit button or did you use blogdown::build_rmd()?

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

i was using blogdown::build_site(build_rmd=TRUE) but i'm not at all sure what's best practice...

fontikar commented 2 years ago

I believe blogdown::build_site(build_rmd=TRUE) includes the build_rmd() function. Anything suspicious in check_site() output?

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

check_site() lots of useful tips there! good one!