Closed fontikar closed 2 years ago
Oh, and hold off making more changes until this is done!
Here's the hit list:
I was going to remove all Drafts, we can bring them back later if we want to keep
Success! I've reduced the repo size down from 342Mb to 115Mb. This was achieved by removing many large files.
We can find largest files in the current tree using git
➜ git ls-tree -r -t -l --full-name HEAD | sort -n -k 4 | tail -n 20
1255023 Draft tutorial pages/study-site/_index.html
1641970 Draft tutorial pages/study-site/61395_shp/australia/cstauscd_r.dbf
1801924 Draft tutorial pages/NetCDF/NetCDF.html
2982785 content/Images/Murray-13.jpg
3140186 content/Images/Murray-26.jpg
5701888 content/Coding-Skills/asking-code-questions/help-me-help-you.gif
7142632 Ecostats2017/LectureNotes.pdf
7739084 Draft tutorial pages/study-site/61395_shp/australia/cstauscd_l.shp
10187781 Draft tutorial pages/gganimate/MyEBirdData.csv
12487872 Draft tutorial pages/study-site/61395_shp/australia/cstauscd_r.shp
13593905 Draft tutorial pages/Accessing weather data/maxann.asc
13593905 Draft tutorial pages/Accessing weather data/maxann.txt.txt
Some files over 13MB! I also checked out some older versions and reran. As files have moved about, this also captures large files in the history.
I also decided to remove the generated html files from the original site, as these were quite large. I found these by checking an old version and running
list.files(".", pattern = ".html", recursive=T, full.names=T)
Files are removed using git filter-repo. This program removes specified files from the history. You need to provided the path of the file or folder to remove. Note, this doesn't account for anytimes the file moved. So if that occurred, need to run twice with different paths
To remove a file run this, replacing filename
git filter-repo --invert-paths --path filename
Beware - when you rewrite history, you change all the commit hashes, so you break collaboration. You'll need to force push and everyone reclone.
Below is the list of files and folders purgred. Each was prefaced with the command above
The main motivation here is to cull some very large files, and massively reduce the size of the repository. I've reviewed, and we have some really big files. Here are the largest files in the history
The largest (last 4 ) are more than 10Mb each. This makes the repo really big and cumbersome to work with. Can I filter them out of the history? This would "Rewrite" the history. The implication is that all the hashes would change. Through the commit messages would remain. You'd need to reclone.
Only makes sense to do this when everyone is kind of finished working on local stuff, as you'll need to reclone the repo.
Can I go ahead?