nicercode / EnvironmentalComputing

These are the R markdown files used to generate
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Requests for new content #33

Closed wcornwell closed 2 years ago

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

Maybe we could have a link for users who find mistakes or want to request new topics? This could go to (this?) github issue page?

dfalster commented 2 years ago

Yes, but let's separate new content and mistakes

For new content, we can step a template for an issue on GitHub . The link then starts a new issue with correct labels and following a template.

For mistakes, we could do something similar, with a template. But we could also use the feature in the hugo site. Each page has an "Edit this page" link. This takes you to a link to edit the html page under content. We probably want to change it to edit the Rmd. Then need a trigger to rebuild the html.

Either way - everything should be encouraged to come via a PR

fontikar commented 2 years ago

Was going to tackle this but I don't think I had admin rights! Happy to draft one regardless :D

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

this is done?