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making a list of the most out of date tutorials #4

Open wcornwell opened 2 years ago

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

some of the tidyverse stuff

dfalster commented 2 years ago

An important first check is to see if it still renders. A good thing about blowdown platform is that we can regularly regenerate the pages, to check that they still work.

I'll tackle this once existing content has been migrated.

fontikar commented 2 years ago
fontikar commented 2 years ago
fontikar commented 2 years ago
dfalster commented 2 years ago

Oh yes, i think the interface has changed for that package, so you need an api.

What you can do is knit it into an md. Then change the extension back to Rmd. Then it will render without actually running the code.

dfalster commented 2 years ago

I can show you how to do it, if you point me to the file

fontikar commented 2 years ago

Sounds great! @dfalster if you can please take a peek at: content/graphics/spatial-vis/simple-maps/_index.rmd that would be great!

If you have the time, content/graphics/spatial-vis/study-site/_index.rmd could use some streamline, the code is creating subfolders index_files and I think that is causing it to not render.

Note: I have changed the weight: parameter in the yaml for interactive-maps and basics-raster to 1 and 2 respectively for now, when they are suppose to be 3 and 4, as the other two pages are currently not rendering, so amend the weight: parameter accordingly when tinkering!

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

deleting my comment as i see @dfalster already solved it above...

fontikar commented 2 years ago
fontikar commented 2 years ago
dfalster commented 2 years ago

hi @fontikar - just pushed a potential Solon for "simple-maps"

fontikar commented 2 years ago

Thanks @dfalster! Simple maps is now integrated!

fontikar commented 2 years ago

Thanks @dfalster! Simple maps is now integrated!

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

from Alistair: "reshaphing one needs to now use pivot.wider and longer, not gather and spread"

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

we can now delete stringsAsFactors=F throughout the site

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

is there a tutorial that introduces the %>%?

wcornwell commented 2 years ago

looks like I'll be teaching a prac to AFB on combining datasets, so I'll revise