nicfit / eyeD3

eyeD3 is a Python module and command line program for processing ID3 tags. Information about mp3 files (i.e bit rate, sample frequency, play time, etc.) is also provided. The formats supported are ID3v1 (1.0/1.1) and ID3v2 (2.3/2.4).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ID3 2.4] Support for TIPL in the involved persons frame #330

Open MCOfficer opened 5 years ago

MCOfficer commented 5 years ago

My issue is the following: I have an mp3 file with multiple artists, and i want to represent that in the tags - following the idv3 standards, so, for example, mp3tag can read them as well.

However, i'm unable to create multiple artists fields or correctly delimit the existing one. Is this something eyed3 supports, and if yes, how?

nicfit commented 5 years ago

Which multiple artist ID3 standards are you referring to?

IPLS (v2.3) is only handled in raw form currently and conversion to v2.4 (TIPL) does blow up with a NotImplementedError. This would be a straight forward PR, go for it! :)

eyeD3 does parse the 2.4 frames though, and they can be set from the command line with --text-frame TIPL:"1, 2, 3, 4", for example. Also, check out --album-artist. It works well for mixes and comps.

There are other schemes too, likes stuffing a list or artists into a single frame like TPE1 delimited by special characters. But not standard AFAIK.

MCOfficer commented 5 years ago

oh boy, i didn't expect this to be a (relatively) low-level decision. Before reading up on it, i was just a dumb user who wanted to tag his files, without caring about what specific format to use. But then again, maybe that doesn't make me 100% the target audience.

Personally, i will look into setting 2.4 frames through the CLI. Unfortunately i'm too busy with other projects to PR anything, but i will leave this issue open as request for it; maybe someone else can do it. Thanks for your help!