Multiple ticks may occur within the same frame (due to fixed tick system). to resolve this, the client or server may need to process multiple inputs simultaneously for the KCCInputSystem. I'm not sure how to handle this and right now we are just throwing out all but the last input. Considering it will probably run around 30-60 ticks per second 30 updates per second should be good enough to fool end users. This is a future issue and not high priority.
Multiple ticks may occur within the same frame (due to fixed tick system). to resolve this, the client or server may need to process multiple inputs simultaneously for the KCCInputSystem. I'm not sure how to handle this and right now we are just throwing out all but the last input. Considering it will probably run around 30-60 ticks per second 30 updates per second should be good enough to fool end users. This is a future issue and not high priority.