nicholasclark-artist / DCG

Dynamic Combat Generator is an Arma 3 mod designed to help mission makers quickly enhance their cooperative scenarios.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Task Enhancement Discussion #89

Open Radeni opened 7 years ago

Radeni commented 7 years ago

DCG has proved me a very useful tool for easily setting up fun and dynamic coop missions,however after a while it gets quite repetitive.

Task request: Enemy Convoy (Side obj.) One of the tasks that could occasionally spawn as a side objective could be an enemy convoy. The convoy could spawn in one world location (I saw that you're using world markers such as NameCapital,NameCity,etc.). Starting position could be any location and the ending position could be a random one under the condition that the ending position is on some pre-defined distance (in the userconfig or description like with other settings at the moment). The vehicles in the convoy could be defined trough another setting such as: dcg_convoy_order = _vehicle1, _vehicle2, _vehicle3, etc. The vehicle types could be defined for each vehicle like _vehicle1 = selectRandom ["Car_01_F", "Car_02_F"]; (I dont really know how all the scripting commands work but i think you get my idea). One more thing to mention for this one would be something like a timer that would let the players prepare before the convoy starts moving to the other location.

Task enhancement request: Combining Primary and Secondary objectives. This next idea would help make the missions more dynamic and make them feel connected and make the missions have a campaign like feel. Allow the player to have multiple ways to approach a primary mission.

Currently the most common secondary objective is find intel. It would be very good if its possible to combine this type of side objective with the "Eliminate Officer/Artillery","Destroy Cache" and "Rescue VIP" types of primary objective. The idea is next: The primary objective would be separated into 3 smaller bases instead of 1 big base (The base that is present in the current version) and the objective (Officer/Artillery/Cache/VIP) would be located in 1 of the smaller bases selected randomly where each base would be guarded by some Enemy units (10-15 infantrymen per base?) and the bases would have some distance in between them (500m - 600m ?). That way the palyers would have less chance to instantly complete the mission. This is where we add in the side objective (intel). The "Get intel" objective should be upgraded from a pile of dead bodies and a helicopter to something like a small outpost or recon camp with a support helicopter like in the current version. Once the Intel Objective is completed while there is a primary objective present,the script would put a marker on the location of the target/vip at the primary objective. I definetly want to hear your opinion on this idea because it would increase the immersion a lot.

Task request: Roadblock/Enemy checkpoint outpost (Side Obj.) This one would be a simple side objective that would increase your relationship quality with the civilians (The system you already have in DCG. Less chance of suicide bombers,enemy patrols and more ied intel if im correct?). Just a small outpost on a road,garrisoned by 10-15 infantrymen and a vehicle. The only requirement is to kill all the enemies to complete it,there could possibly be a minefield in the area just to make it a bit more challenging. The roadblock should be an optional task enabled trough dcg_settings because it would require pre placing markers in the editor that could also be defined trough the settings,in example: dcg_roadblock = 1; //(1 is enabled, 0 disabled) dcg_roadblock_markers[]={"Marker1", "Marker2", "Marker3",...};

I also have a couple of ideas to improve the enemy units at the objective because they are always the same and because they would make more sense for some objectives.

Liberate Village/City/Capital: Add a secondary unit pool, Viper spec-ops for example, that would spawn together with normal infantry,for example:

class dcg_main_unitPoolEast {you know how it goes inside here};

class dcg_occupy_infCountCity { value = 40};

class dcg_specop_unitPoolEast {same as with main but with different classes,such as Viper units};

class dcg_occupy_specopCountCity { value = 10};

The specop teams should have their own group and a different patrolling pattern probably in teams of 3 or 4. There is another improvement idea for the Eliminate Officer or Rescue VIP tasks: The current downside of the Eliminate officer task is that the officer is patrolling around the base,just like other infantry. A good way to improve this would be to have the officer stay inside one of the buildings,together with 3 or 4 guards. This way the players would have to go inside the buildings and clear the rooms witch brings the option of tactical breaching of a building. Similar goes with the Rescue VIP task. The VIP is usually just sitting somewhere and not being guarded by anyone. It would again be better to have him always in a building with 3 or 4 people guarding him.

I think that would be it,i hope i didnt stretch it too much. If you even decide to do some of these i would be glad to help in any way i can even tho im not that experienced with scripting. I will be waiting for your opinion on these.

nicholasclark-artist commented 7 years ago

Enemy Convoy - A convoy task is something I've wanted to do for a while, however, Arma's AI has never been very good at driving. I'm willing to give it another go; hopefully the AI is reliable this time.

Combining Primary and Secondary objectives - I think the separation between primary and secondary tasks should remain, as this allows for content that is doable by a small team (or a single player). However, creating primary tasks with multiple steps would be interesting. This should be possible with Arma's parent and child task framework. I'll look into this more, but the task may look something like the example below.

example parent/child task

Parent: Destroy Artillery
- Child 1: Find intel with artillery base location
- Child 2: Locate base
- Child 3: Infiltrate base and destroy artillery vehicle

Roadblock/Enemy checkpoint task - A similar task is already in the works!

Garrisoned Units - The 3.2.0 update features an improvement to the task system that should solve your concerns about the Eliminate Officer task. For several tasks, enemies (including the officer) will take positions within buildings hopefully leading to some interesting breach-and-clear gameplay.

Good idea for the VIP task. I'll add some garrisoned units around the civilian's location.

I appreciate the ideas! Keep 'em coming!

Radeni commented 7 years ago

Awesome man. I like the idea of Parent and Child tasks,that would make some good gameplay. I cant wait for 3.2.0, my guess is since you're bringing garrisoned units, the roadblock task is coming with them since i think its based on it? Also about the convoy mission,if you're not sure how reliable AI will be you can include it but make it optional trough dcg_settings.

Radeni commented 7 years ago

@nicholasclark-artist Task enhancement idea: Underwater intel It would behave similary to the current task except you would have enemy divers guarding it instead of infantry (obviously) and possibly a patrol boat on the surface. It could be a crashed UAV/Helicopter/Plane/other... with a box or dead body containing the intel item (map or gps,most likely gps) and thats preety much it,just like the other intel tasks