nicholasdavidson / pybit

Python Build Integration Toolkit - a distributed cross platform AMQP based build system
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Allow building suites on arbitrary environments #114

Closed nicholasdavidson closed 11 years ago

nicholasdavidson commented 11 years ago

Currently it is not possible to multiplex a single source repository to multiple build environments. As we use Debian as a base and are noticing the approaching release of Wheezy it would be very helpful to build our 'development' (development is our internal unstable release) suite on both the stable and the testing distributions of Debian.

In order to do this we are proposing to create a BuildEnvironment table, and make corresponding changes to the multiplexer in controller, the job in model and the client to allow a single build request to create multiple jobs for multiple architectures for multiple build environments.

We are choosing to relate environment and suite-arch because we consider that a given suite-architecture might only want to be built for certain environments. e.g. if we are compiling our development code against Sid in Debian we probably only want to build for i386 as many builds may fail.