nicholasding / solr-lemmatizer

A TokenFilter that applies lemmatization to lemmatize English words.
MIT License
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Can't load the core that uses this filter #3

Open Johnmaras opened 6 years ago

Johnmaras commented 6 years ago

I created a core and edited its managed-schema so that it uses your filter. The fieldType declaration is the following:



The above declaration gives me an error saying that Solr cant find the class. To solve this error, I created a jar and placed it in the Desktop\solr-7.2.0\server\lib folder: image Since then, I get the following error: "cacm_lemma: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: JVM Error creating core [cacm_lemma]: null"

When I comment out the <filter class=""/> line from my fieldType declaration, I no longer get the above error, but this also means that the core doesn't use your filter. Could you help me making my core use your filter?

taligentia commented 6 years ago

You are trying to use a Solr 6.1.x version of this lemmatizer with Solr 7.1.

Johnmaras commented 6 years ago

I see... Is there any version of this lemmatizer compatible with Solr 7.1?

Johnmaras commented 6 years ago

Do you know any lemmatizers that I can use with Solr 7.x? I am trying to index and query the CACM collection(it contains computer science docs).

Johnmaras commented 6 years ago

Anyway. Thank you for clearing up the version incompatibility issue.

nicholasding commented 6 years ago

Hi @Johnmaras, I haven't tested the code against Solr 7.x, will try and let you know.