nicholasmallis / NicholasMallis-MADA-project

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part 4 feedback #3

Open andreashandel opened 2 years ago

andreashandel commented 2 years ago

processing script doesn't run: Error in [.data.frame(ed, myvars2) : undefined columns selected

It is bad style to have code in your script that installs packages. I know Brian has it in his, it's still bad :) You should just load packages at top, and if user doesn't have them, they should install. You don't want your code to permanently alter their system without their decision.

modelingscript.R produces error: Error in here:here("results", "lm_fit_table.rds") : NA/NaN argument

modeling advanced produces error: Error in quartz() : could not find function "quartz"

That's a MAC specific statement, make sure your code is platform independent. Please fix errors so all scripts (R/Rmd files) run.

please clean up manuscript folder so there's just a main and supplement, all other/older stuff should go into some archive folder.

some of the results currently in main (e.g. diagnostic plots for tuning) should go into supplement. main text should read like a manuscript, with just main results.

For the next deadline, make sure everything works, is complete, polished and ready for peer review.

Let me know if you have further questions, otherwise I won't provide further comments.