nicholaswilde / recipes

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Gilligan Monkey Bread #1089

Closed nicholaswilde closed 2 months ago

nicholaswilde commented 2 months ago

I would cut up partially defrosted bridgeford loaves, dip them in melted butter, then roll them (one piece at a time) in cinnamon and sugar mixture. Please each piece in a well prepared Bundt pan. At this point you can let it rise before baking or cover it up with plastic wrap and then foil to bake the next morning. Remove from the fridge and preheat the oven to 350. Bake around 30-35 minutes or longer, but keep watch. You don't want to over or under bake it, so be sure it's done when you remove from the oven. Invert carefully on a platter. Give it a few minutes to let all the "syrup" out before removing the pan. At this point, you can serve it, or top it with a glaze (p. Sugar, milk and vanilla). I have also added pecans or walnuts when prepping.