nick-knowles / NeTEx-XML

Netex XML Schema
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Xsd validate schemas #10

Closed syversenkr closed 7 years ago

syversenkr commented 8 years ago

@nick-knowles and @Aurige:

Continuing pull request #7, we have now added the neccessary explicit SIRI schema imports to ensure that the PublicationDelivery schema validates with Xerces (rather than relying only on the built in XMLSpy validator, which may implicitly load dependencies and thus validate despite missing imports) as well as ensuring automated JAX-B generation of Java-classes from NeTEx without the need for extensive explicit bindings.

We have also corrected an invalid schema loctation in the siri_types XSD.

All changes have been tested by ensuring successful validation, both with XMLSpy and Xerces, of top level schemas as well as example XML files published in the NeTEx-XML project.

Best regards K. Syversen

Aurige commented 7 years ago

Your contribution has been integrated in the new 1.04beta branch This 1.04beta also contains a cleaning of the repository