nick-knowles / NeTEx-XML

Netex XML Schema
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Bugs in xsd:selector where xpath expression does not namespace in the child element #17

Closed skinkie closed 3 years ago

skinkie commented 7 years ago
<xsd:selector xpath=".//netex:ResponsibilityRoleAssignment/ResponsibleAreaRef"/>

This must be changed to:

<xsd:selector xpath=".//netex:ResponsibilityRoleAssignment/netex:ResponsibleAreaRef"/>

This will affect all files with xsd:selector's for key-ref validation.

nick-knowles commented 7 years ago

Thansk - have fixed subparts without namespaces in v1.06

skinkie commented 7 years ago

In true github spirit, which commit do you refer to?

seime commented 7 years ago

@nick-knowles it would be great and much more efficient for all parties if we could use the git and github concepts available