nick-knowles / NeTEx-XML

Netex XML Schema
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Replace carriage return with new lines #7

Closed csolem closed 7 years ago

csolem commented 8 years ago

To make diffing easier without having to use gitattributes, this pull request replaces carriage returns with new lines.

Command that was used. grep -l -P -R '\r' schema/1.03 | grep xsd | while read line; do echo $line; sed -i -e 's/\r/\n/g' $line; done

syversenkr commented 8 years ago

@nick-knowles and @Aurige:

As you are aware, the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Norway has a ongoing project, National Travel Planner, utilizing NeTEx / SIRI as our official information exchange formats.

As a prerequisite to automatically build interfaces/APIs as well as validating incoming data, we need well formed and valid XSDs. Although v1.03 of the schemas appear correct using the parser/validator in XMLspy, building schema based classes using JAXB and validating using e.g. Xerces/Saxon revealed that there are still minor errors in a few of the files.

For this reason, we have reformatted the schemas to a uniform layout (replacing non-standard end-of-line characters etc.) and will continue to sort out incorrect URIs etc. found in some of the schema imports. As these finding may be beneficial for all NeTEx users, we sincerely hope you would merge our improvements into the latest version in the official NeTEx-XML repository on GitHub.

Best regards K. Syversen

Aurige commented 8 years ago

Hello Thanks for your contribution and sorry for the slow answer. Nick (account awner) is in a business trip and will be back mid June. I managed to contact him and, when he will be back, we will have a short meeting to decide about your pull requests, but I'm pretty sure they will be accepted and integrated in a future 1.04 version.

Aurige commented 7 years ago

Your contribution has been integrated in the new 1.04beta branch This 1.04beta also contains a cleaning of the repository