nick-shmyrev / improved-osk-gnome-ext

Improved On Screen Keyboard for Gnome Shell
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[Feature Request] Add dbus binding to show osk manually #32

Open Azkali opened 1 year ago

Azkali commented 1 year ago

Hi, currently porting Fedora 37 to the Nintendo Switch. We added a key binding on the joycon "+" button that shows onboard osk in ubuntu bionic (which is currently our stable release / main product).

But in the case of Fedora I am using your extension, which is awesome btw, and would like to know if there is either an existing dbus binding for it or if it needs to be added (I'd like to PR that but I don't have a lot of time unfortunately, if I do find some time for that I will definitely make a PR)

Thanks for your work regardless !