nick1n / Stat Utility Web App
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implement Bootstrap #1

Closed namklabs closed 12 years ago

namklabs commented 12 years ago

Replace existing styles (but keep existing styles in a commit somewhere)

nick1n commented 12 years ago

With everything you've done and with the latest commit 2e68037c3a47f1a445c6ad4953f78b6e00b730ea I believe we are really close to having it the way we want it to look, just need a few more style touch ups imo. Also about the grey background if you don't like it just comment out the one line in the body's css class, I'm not to sure if I like it either.

namklabs commented 12 years ago

Yeah I am not sold on the grey background. You seem to have added it for a reason though. We should try and pinpoint what that reason is and maybe we can find a better solution to it.

nick1n commented 12 years ago

Mostly because I don't really like an all white background there is almost always something a little more to it, like take even github as an example they have the top bar go all the way across the top and then a footer/site map that goes across the whole page. Also, I stole that grey background from lol

nick1n commented 12 years ago

By the way just checked and our bootstrap is already out of date lol So, we also should probably update our bootstrap files to 2.0.1 :) the zip is here

nick1n commented 12 years ago

Updated bootstrap to 2.0.1 with commit e69aa525693fb16bd3feac958419bbdfff4d3e87 BUT in doing so the Submit button isn't lined up correctly anymore :-/