Closed Esteban70x7 closed 5 years ago
This is due to Enso not supporting dark themes - will add to future roadmap to add dark theme support
Ok, thanks for the reply.
Add a dynamic theme , (light and dark), like zorin os
the Enso theme already contains both light and dark elements and styling, the icons just need updating for the dark theme from the defaults
I can help you with the theming-part. As Paulxfce (see I have some years of theme-modding in my head. As you said: the assets-file does not contain all the title-buttons. I can, if you want, create a modified assets-svg to address this issue.
It'd be good to use crontab or smthing like that to apply dynic themes, colors, backgrounds , i can help , but it would be great to make a UI of that
If you guys are happy to fix these issues then go ahead, the theme is a form of Arc with the main change just being the header icons, any help is appreciated as I don't have any time to work on this atm
I'm not that familiar with this github push and such. I will create a proper assets.svg, from which the assets are made. And then create a new assets-folder in GTK3, with support for dark theme. I'll see then, how I will send it to you for review.
And while were are at it, I can build a dark theme for you as well If you are interested...
Ye that would be great, just upload it to a new repo if that's easier but we can work that out later
Great, I'll work on it in the following days.
Btw, I really like this simple , but beautiful distro. Happy to contribute.
@nick92 I've completed the theme with all the necessary graphics, with support for applications that require dark theme. Also added support for GTK 2.0. You can find it here The repository includes all the SVG's I've made. Please note that you only require the GTK 3.0-file and the GTK 2.0-file for your theme to work on Enso-OS. Everything else is redundant. So I've done nothing with the XFWM or Metacity.
Next, I've made a theme-variant-1, with smaller menu's that has separators.
And Variant-2 builds further on Variant-1, but now uses shadows as borders in drop-down-menu's and context-menu's. These menu's now look identical across GTK2 and GTK3.
And another (Variant 3) with transparency in the menu's (and a little less shadows underneath)
Please let me know if you want any other help in this...
Workin on a dark version. But need help. Where does the launcher get its code for the background. It stays white, although it should be dark. Also using a dark theme requires a Paper-icon-theme with support for dark theme. And AppHive stays white.
Both look great, thanks for doing that it's much appreciated, launchy and apphive have custom styles that's take from the css stored against both projects, if you just leave them for now I'll look at getting the dark theme sorted for both and then add it to the new theme
If you have a preference, than I can develop it further.
Don't have a preference with the launcher, if you want to develop it just to fit in with everything then that would be fine, I'm working on apphive at the minute and am going to re-style it so leave that for now
No, I Mean, I've made several variants of the GTK theme. Which one you like me to develop further?
Also, do you plan to move to xfce 4.14? Than, I will make a GTKtheme that is tailored to it.
If you could do variant 3 with the slight transparency but without divider lines being visible in the menu that would be great
and yes Enso 0.4 will be using version 4.14
@nick92 The final versions of both light and dark Enso-theme are now in the repository The Dark theme requires a modified dark launcher and Apphive, and also an icon-theme that supports dark themes.
There are some issues however:
Switching from Light to dark theme requires a log-out-log-in operation, because GTK2 does not switch properly. Some dark elements remain dark even after switching to the light-version.
In fact, a smooth switch can only be done if you move to XFCE 4.14, because then, everything is GTK3.
I've not yet got into developing a version for XFCE 4.14. (It requires some adjustments for the new Thunar).
Amazing, thanks for your work on this Paul, it's much appreciated, this theme will be released in Enso 0.4 which will run Xfce 4.14 so theme switching shouldn't be an issue
I'm going to close this ticket as this issue is now resolved and will be included in the next release of Enso, if people want this theme before then please grab it and install it manually from above
One suggestion, change theme to improve integration.