nickcharron / waypoint_nav

This package performs outdoor GPS waypoint navigation using move_base, robot_localization, gmapping and others. It can navigate while building a map, avoiding obstacles, and can navigate continuously between each goal.
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The urdf doesn't load #1

Closed AndyZe closed 6 years ago

AndyZe commented 6 years ago

This command: roslaunch husky_gazebo spawn_husky.launch


roslaunch.substitution_args.ArgException: top_plate_enabled
Invalid <param> tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]: command [/opt/ros/indigo/share/xacro/ '/home/nrgadmin/Desktop/catkin_ws/src/waypoint_nav/husky_customization/husky_custom_gazebo/urdf/custom_description.gazebo.xacro'     laser_enabled:=true     ur5_enabled:=false     kinect_enabled:=false     ] returned with code [1]. 

The fix is to add this to custom_description.gazebo.xacro: <xacro:arg name="top_plate_enabled" default="true" />

nickcharron commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your comment AndyZe. I was not getting the same error messages as you when running the above command, but I added your fix anyways as it seemed to not change much on my end.