nickcharron / waypoint_nav

This package performs outdoor GPS waypoint navigation using move_base, robot_localization, gmapping and others. It can navigate while building a map, avoiding obstacles, and can navigate continuously between each goal.
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the joystick, it does not start collecting waypoints #17

Closed Masoumehrahimi closed 2 years ago

Masoumehrahimi commented 3 years ago

hi, I have recorded a bag file, and after launching robot_localization pkg and SLAM, I run the launch file related to the joy_launch_control.launch, but as i push any key on the joystick, it does not start collecting waypoints. as i run rostopic echo joy, it publishes data. as i checked the rqt-graph, my /joy-teleop/joy has not any publisher. why? should i define a publisher for it? thanks