nickdeis / eslint-plugin-no-secrets

An eslint plugin to find strings that might be secrets/credentials
MIT License
127 stars 4 forks source link

upgrading dependencies #5

Closed oprogramador closed 4 years ago

oprogramador commented 4 years ago

Could you upgrade dependencies?

btw. I checked require("eslint/lib/testers/rule-tester") works for eslint@5 but doesn't for eslint@6

nickdeis commented 4 years ago

Hey @oprogramador, Thanks for raising this issue. I think this is a great idea. Eslint is meant as peer/dev dependency, so upgrading it shouldn't be too big of an issue. I'll look into it right now.

nickdeis commented 4 years ago

Hey @oprogramador, I've updated the testing code to use both eslint5 and eslint6 in it's tests, so it now has more version coverage. First time using aliases but it ended up working out 😄. Let me know if this satisfies your requirements. Cheers, Nick

oprogramador commented 4 years ago

It looks good though I don't need a support for the lower version. btw. I recommend renovate for automatic updating dependencies

nickdeis commented 4 years ago

Alright closing this issue! Thanks for your input!