nickdesaulniers / node-rtc-peer-connection

[BROKEN/UNMAINTAINED] RTCPeerConnection for Node.js
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some RTCPeerConnection methods need _oneAtAAtime #34

Closed nickdesaulniers closed 8 years ago

nickdesaulniers commented 8 years ago

This is part of the WebRTC spec (cmd+f 'general idea') under S 4.3.1:

"The general idea is to have only one among createOffer, setLocalDescription, createAnswer and setRemoteDescription and addIceCandidate executing at any given time. If subsequent calls are made while the returned promise of a previous call is still unsettled, they are added to a queue and executed when all the previous calls are executed and their promises are settled."

So I think I only wrapped one of those in _oneAtATime, the rest need it too.

nickdesaulniers commented 8 years ago

fixed in