I'm setting up a SPFX 1.12.1 dev enviornment that is asking for
gulp@4.0.2 - installed locally
gulp-cli@2.3.0 - globally
This isn't allowing the gulp task dropdown to appear, which is does when I install gulp globally. I want to manage my gulpfile within the project folder rather than with the roaming data npm> node_modules folder.
I have gulpfile.js in my project folder which is open in visual studio code.
Am I right in this thinking or have I missed something.
Note: when I do install gulp globally, placing my gulpfile.js in
The gulp file isn't found, and the Gulp tasks dropdown reports "No gulp files found"
I'm setting up a SPFX 1.12.1 dev enviornment that is asking for
This isn't allowing the gulp task dropdown to appear, which is does when I install gulp globally. I want to manage my gulpfile within the project folder rather than with the roaming data npm> node_modules folder.
I have gulpfile.js in my project folder which is open in visual studio code.
Am I right in this thinking or have I missed something.
Note: when I do install gulp globally, placing my gulpfile.js in
The gulp file isn't found, and the Gulp tasks dropdown reports "No gulp files found"