nickdrozd / reazon

miniKanren for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error if reazon-defrel is run under dynamic scope #10

Closed ethan-leba closed 3 years ago

ethan-leba commented 3 years ago

explicitly alerts a user if their relation won't be defined properly

thanks for this cool project!

nickdrozd commented 3 years ago

Congratulations, you are the first external code contributor to Reazon! The code looks good, but I don't have time to test it just now. Hopefully I'll have some time within the next week.

It looks like you ran into the dynamic scope problem. Aside from that, did you have any trouble running anything? Did you run anything from The Reasoned Schemer?

ethan-leba commented 3 years ago

Sounds good! As far as I've used reazon, it works perfectly fine -- i just tried to run some code in a scratch buffer and had about 30s of confusion why the relation wasn't working

nickdrozd commented 3 years ago

What version of Emacs are you running? Apparently in 27 lexical scoping was made the default in Scratch, IELM, etc, so I have had some trouble reproducing the old bug at all.

ethan-leba commented 3 years ago

I'm on 27.2, so it might just be something with doom emacs -- i'm just gonna drop this PR for now since i don't feel like digging into the byte compiler internals x_x