nickdrummond / star-wars-ontology

An OWL ontology describing events, characters and places in the Star Wars Universe
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Inferring participation when using orgs as participants #8

Open nickdrummond opened 2 years ago

nickdrummond commented 2 years ago

How do we infer that specific people were participants in Evacuation_of_Garel - we're using Spectres a lot?

Should we say that all members of an organisation or crew were at that event? What about Battles - Rebel Alliance vs Empire?

Not all members of a group are a member at that time.

nickdrummond commented 2 years ago

How do we say "all members of Spectres" - can't without cardinality (which cannot be used on transitive memberOf?

Can we say: participant some ((memberOf value Spectres) and (not{Kanan_Jarrus}))

not{Kanan_Jarrus} takes an eternity in DLQuery

nickdrummond commented 2 years ago

But "at least one" member will not give us the inference we want

nickdrummond commented 2 years ago

Adding more nominals and qualified cardinality restrictions is just going to cause problems with pellet. Best to simply enumerate the individuals we are interested in.

nickdrummond commented 2 years ago

Replace Spectres in all these http://localhost:8080/dlquery/?expression=included+some+%28participant+value+Spectres%29&minus=&syntax=man&order=&query=instances

nickdrummond commented 1 year ago

Still leaves us with issues when using "Crew"s:

Defecting_pilots is not included in the query participant value Ezra_Bridger

nickdrummond commented 1 year ago

Another way:

New property participantsFrom range = Organisation

Property chain participantsFrom o hadMember -> participant

Would need versions for all participation properties - eg of = Escape ofAllMembersOf Spectres ? And a prop chain for each or at least a mirror property hierarchy.

THis also works for the Crew problem.

Not clear what the classification and query overhead is yet