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Netlify schema file generation example is broken #195

Closed ofalvai closed 2 months ago

ofalvai commented 2 months ago

I tried to generate a file conforming to one of the schemas in the schemastore repo, but ran into an error: contract broken by a value: value is not of type Record error.

To make sure it's not a problem with the specific schema, I also tried running the netlify.toml example in the docs. It fails with the same error, here is the full output:

       error: builder for '/nix/store/cvckrc01346hm33wnz4dvvnbs10q73m9-nickel-res.json.drv' failed with exit code 1;
       last 18 log lines:
       > error: contract broken by a value: value is not of type Record
       >    ┌─ /nix/store/x354r0px5263dh9npwnlm2hnihkrkd3w-dxima2gbfsgg6fmm2jxrm1l3w3idqsqn-source/project.ncl:34:5
       >    │
       > 34 │ ╭     std.serialize
       > 35 │ │       'Toml
       > 36 │ │       {
       > 37 │ │         build.command = "gatsby build",
       > 38 │ │         build.publish = "public/",
       > 39 │ │       }
       >    │ ╰───────^ applied to this expression
       > 40 │         | netlify_schema
       >    │           -------------- expected type
       >    │
       >    ┌─ <unknown> (generated by evaluation):1:1
       >    │
       >  1 │ "[build]\ncommand = \"gatsby build\"\npublish = \"public/\"\n"
       >    │ -------------------------------------------------------------- evaluated to this value
       For full logs, run 'nix-store -l /nix/store/cvckrc01346hm33wnz4dvvnbs10q73m9-nickel-res.json.drv'.

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yannham commented 2 months ago

Hello, thanks for the report!

I think the issue is that the netlify schema verifies the structure of a record, but std.serialize 'Toml will produce a string. Thus, it seems the example is indeed wrong, and we should apply the schema before serializing (notice the parentheses around the config and the contract application)

  files."netlify.toml".content = std.serialize 'Toml ({
    build.command = "gatsby build",
    build.publish = "public/",
  } | netlify_schema)

Or, maybe slightly more readable:

  files."netlify.toml".content = 
    let config | netlify_schema = {
      build.command = "gatsby build",
      build.publish = "public/",
    std.serialize 'Toml config,

If I try that, I now get a contract error missing required field backend. Which still makes the example wrong, but at least the schema check seems to trigger :upside_down_face:

ofalvai commented 2 months ago

Thank you @yannham, it's now working with my specific schema and file content! 🙂

yannham commented 2 months ago

Good :slightly_smiling_face: let's keep this issue open until we fix the documentation.

thufschmitt commented 2 months ago

Thanks for catching that. I indeed managed to write something twice wrong for two independent reasons in 6 lines of code (I guess I'm a good userbase for Nickel :smile: )

I've opened #197 to provide a better and working example