nickeubank / ds4humans
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If you wanna see where I'm at... #11

Open nickeubank opened 1 year ago

nickeubank commented 1 year ago

It occurs to me that because most of my work I'm just pushing directly to the main branch, you don't actually have a lot of visibility into what I'm up to (sorry!).

If you wanna see where I'm at, so far I've re-written all of these readings:


And I'm working on passive-prediction questions now.

I've taken a "fuck figuring out the ideal audience, just write it for the class I'm teaching now" approach, which means what's there assumes that the readers have taken a basic statistical modeling course and are taking an ML course concurrently. It's what I need right now, so I figure start there and then we can reshape/organize for the future.

But if you want to read through it, I'd be very curious what you think. It is finally starting to feel like this kinda vague framework I've been working to express for a while is coming together. It's definitely not "a social scientist does data science" book, but rather (I hope!) a real data science book that tries to put all perspectives on similar footing in terms of usefulness.