nickeubank / mtv_viacom_capstone

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Overlapping interactive plots #63

Closed nickeubank closed 2 years ago

nickeubank commented 2 years ago

import folium

m = world.explore(
     column="pop_est",  # make choropleth based on "BoroName" column
     scheme="naturalbreaks",  # use mapclassify's natural breaks scheme
     legend=True, # show legend
     k=10, # use 10 bins
     legend_kwds=dict(colorbar=False), # do not use colorbar
     name="countries" # name of the layer in the map

     m=m, # pass the map object
     color="red", # use red color on all points
     marker_kwds=dict(radius=10, fill=True), # make marker radius 10px with fill
     tooltip="name", # show "name" column in the tooltip
     tooltip_kwds=dict(labels=False), # do not show column label in the tooltip
     name="cities" # name of the layer in the map

folium.TileLayer('Stamen Toner', control=True).add_to(m)  # use folium to add alternative tiles
folium.LayerControl().add_to(m)  # use folium to add layer control

m  # show map