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Abstract core functionality into WASM binary #4

Open space-shell opened 3 months ago

space-shell commented 3 months ago


The Nostr protocol is tightly coupled to the browser via the WebSocket transport layer. Considering that Nostr can be considered a browser based protocol ( unlike TCP, MQTT, etc. ) it would make sense to consider an isomorphic approach to development.

The ability to manage FROST keys within both the browser and the server environments would accelerate the overall integration of this technology into the Nostr ecosystem.


This repository serves as an monorepo housing a CLI application, a rust library, a JavaScript library and a standalone WASM core where FROST keys can be managed by relays and browser clients alike.

This package could also expose a CLI ( as it does now ) to manage FROST keys and Nostr notes.

Next Steps:

space-shell commented 3 months ago

Initial works on a standalone binary of the FROST crate: