nickfox / GpsTracker

Google Map Gps Cell Phone Tracker
MIT License
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Oreo Android 8 or Android 8.1 #99

Open banc123 opened 6 years ago

banc123 commented 6 years ago

Hello there good sir of earth, you have problems in Android O SDK ... with wakefulbroadcast receiver app ends after 3 minutes ... mybe you should use Jobscheduler ... acording to android studio have a nice day .

kia1349 commented 6 years ago

i have same problem app is good but not useable in android oreo

with wakefulbroadcast receiver app crashed after intetval time. you should use Jobscheduler instead

banc123 commented 6 years ago

Do you have any solution for it. Like the code Poslano z mobilnega telefona Huawei-------- Izvirno sporočilo --------Zadeva: Re: [nickfox/GpsTracker] Oreo Android 8 or Android 8.1 (#99)Od: kia1349 Za: nickfox/GpsTracker Kp: banc123 ,Author i have same problem app is good but not useable in android oreo with wakefulbroadcast receiver app crashed after intetval time. you should use Jobscheduler instead

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nickfox commented 6 years ago

Hey Guys, I'm aware that wakefulbroadcast receiver is deprecated. The main problem for me is that I am no longer writing software. I retired 3 years ago. Do you guys know of some sample code for Jobscheduler that can be used?

nickfox commented 6 years ago

Just storing this here for later. Looks interesting.

kia1349 commented 6 years ago

good job this is another

kia1349 commented 6 years ago

this is another tracking app with job scheduler

nickfox commented 6 years ago

that one looks very promising.


kia1349 commented 6 years ago

ye and look this one