nickg / nvc

VHDL compiler and simulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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2008: Unconstrained Array Inputs Cause SEGFAULT #809

Closed bpadalino closed 7 months ago

bpadalino commented 7 months ago

Playing with the following code:

package test_pkg is

    type vector_of_vectors is array(natural range <>) of bit_vector ;

end package ;

use work.test_pkg.vector_of_vectors ;

entity test is
  port (
    in_a    :   in  vector_of_vectors ;
    in_b    :   in  vector_of_vectors ;
    outs    :   out vector_of_vectors
  ) ;
end entity ;

architecture arch of test is

    -- Comment these next lines to cause a segfault
    constant A : natural := in_a'length ;
    constant B : natural := in_a'element'length ;


        report "A: " & integer'image(A) ;
        report "B: " & integer'image(B) ;
        wait ;
    end process ;

        for idx in in_a'range loop
            for x in in_a(idx)'range loop
                outs(idx)(x) <= in_a(idx)(x) xor in_b(idx)(x) ;
            end loop ;
        end loop ;
    end process ;

end architecture ;

use work.test_pkg.vector_of_vectors ;

entity test_tb is
end entity ;

architecture arch of test_tb is

    signal a : vector_of_vectors(1 downto 0)(20 downto 0) ;
    signal b : vector_of_vectors(1 downto 0)(20 downto 0) ;
    signal c : vector_of_vectors(1 downto 0)(20 downto 0) ;


    U_test_a : entity work.test
      port map (
        in_a    =>  a,
        in_b    =>  b,
        outs    =>  c
      ) ;

    tb : process
        wait for 100 ns ;
        report "Done" ;
        std.env.stop ;
    end process ;

end architecture ;

As it is, produces:

$ nvc --std=2008 -a test.vhdl -e test_tb -r

Kind       instance
Context    WORK.TEST_TB
Blocks     1
Registers  28
Types      18
Variables  5
  IN_A                                  // $<0..1>, signal
  IN_B                                  // $<0..1>, signal
  OUTS                                  // $<0..1>, signal
  A                                     // -2^31..2^31-1 => 0..2^31-1, constant
  B                                     // -2^31..2^31-1 => 0..2^31-1, constant
   0: r0 := package init WORK.TEST_PKG  // P<WORK.TEST_PKG>
      r1 := package init STD.STANDARD   // P<STD.STANDARD>
      r2 := var upref 1, A              // @<$<0..1>> => 0..1
      r3 := load indirect r2            // $<0..1> => 0..1
      r4 := debug locus WORK.TEST_TB.elab-295 // D<>
      r5 := const 2                     // # => 2
      r6 := debug locus WORK.TEST_TB.elab-291 // D<>
      alias signal r3 locus r6
      IN_A := store r3
      r7 := var upref 1, B              // @<$<0..1>> => 0..1
      r8 := load indirect r7            // $<0..1> => 0..1
      r9 := debug locus WORK.TEST_TB.elab-302 // D<>
      r10 := debug locus WORK.TEST_TB.elab-298 // D<>
      alias signal r8 locus r10
      IN_B := store r8
      r11 := var upref 1, C             // @<$<0..1>> => 0..1
      r12 := load indirect r11          // $<0..1> => 0..1
      r13 := debug locus WORK.TEST_TB.elab-309 // D<>
      r14 := debug locus WORK.TEST_TB.elab-305 // D<>
      alias signal r12 locus r14
      OUTS := store r12
      r15 := const 0                    // 0..1 => 0
      r16 := const [r15]*42             // [42] : 0..1 => 0..1
      r17 := address of r16             // @<0..1> => 0..1
      r18 := const 1                    // # => 1
      r19 := const 21                   // # => 21
      r20 := const 20                   // -2^31..2^31-1 => 20
      r21 := const 0                    // -2^31..2^31-1 => 0
      r22 := const 1                    // 0..1 => 1
      r23 := const 42                   // # => 42
      r24 := debug locus WORK.TEST_TB.elab-305 // D<>
      map const r17 to r12 count r23
      r25 := const 2                    // -2^31..2^31-1 => 2
      r26 := const 2147483647           // -2^31..2^31-1 => 2^31-1
      A := store r25
      r27 := null                       // @<0..1>
      invalid := uarray left r3 dim 1    <----

** Fatal: cannot use uarray left with non-uarray type
[0x561556729763] ../src/diag.c:1015 diag_femit
[0x561556664a12] ../src/util.c:585 fatal_trace
[0x56155670fe13] ../src/vcode.c:4488 emit_uarray_op.lto_priv.0
[0x56155678980b] ../src/vcode.c:4502 lower_wrap_element.constprop.0
[0x5615566ef4c3] ../src/lower.c:5298 lower_expr.lto_priv.0
[0x561556706c81] ../src/lower.c:12265 lower_rvalue
[0x5615566f1dda] ../src/lower.c:4804 lower_attr_ref
[0x5615566ef4c3] ../src/lower.c:5298 lower_expr.lto_priv.0
[0x561556706c81] ../src/lower.c:12265 lower_rvalue
[0x5615566fdf7f] ../src/lower.c:7585 lower_decls.lto_priv.0
[0x5615566c1698] ../src/lower.c:12468 lower_instance
[0x5615566c1698] ../src/lower.c:1250 elab_lower.lto_priv.0
[0x5615566c4d75] ../src/elab.c:1475 elab_instance.lto_priv.0
[0x5615566c845c] ../src/elab.c:1791 elab_stmts.lto_priv.0
[0x5615566ca2d7] ../src/elab.c:1963 elab_top_level
[0x5615566cca3f] ../src/elab.c:2032 elab
[0x56155666e1ff] ../src/nvc.c:456 elaborate
[0x56155666b57f] ../src/nvc.c:1878 process_command
[0x56155666b9dc] ../src/nvc.c:1521 gui_cmd
[0x56155666b9dc] ../src/nvc.c:1909 process_command
[0x561556662370] ../src/nvc.c:2015 main

When I comment out the A and B constants, it SEFGAULT's at lower.c line 800. ndims is set to 1 and ncons is set to 16777218.