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2008: Generic functions on packages causes fatal error #810

Closed bpadalino closed 7 months ago

bpadalino commented 7 months ago

Attached is a design I was fiddling with today that tried to make a fully generic complex package and use some of the sfixed types. Questa seems to run and consume the code with no errors, so I figure it isn't terrible.

library ieee ;
use ieee.fixed_pkg.all ;

package types is

    type sfixed_vector is array(natural range <>) of sfixed ;

end package ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.numeric_std.all ;
use ieee.math_real.all ;
use ieee.fixed_pkg.all ;
use ieee.float_pkg.all ;

package convert is

    function from_real(x : in real ; size : in real) return real ;
    function from_real generic(scale : real := 65536.0) parameter (x : in real ; size : in integer) return integer ;
    function from_real generic(scale : real := 65536.0) parameter (x : in real ; size : in signed) return signed ;
    function from_real(x : in real ; size : in sfixed) return sfixed ;
    function from_real(x : in real ; size : in float) return float ;

    function resize(x : in real ; size : in real) return real ;
    function resize(x : in sfixed ; size : in sfixed) return sfixed ;
    function resize(x : in float ; size : in float) return float ;

    function to_real(x : in real) return real ;
    function to_real generic(scale : real := 65536.0) parameter (x : in integer) return real ;
    function to_real generic(scale : real := 65536.0) parameter (x : in signed) return real ;
    function to_real(x : in float) return real ;

    function shift_right(x : in real ; n : in natural) return real ;
    function shift_right(x : in integer ; n : in natural) return integer ;
    function shift_right(x : in float ; n : in natural) return float ;

end package ;

package body convert is

    function shift_right(x : in float ; n : in natural) return float is
        return x / (2.0**n) ;
    end function ;

    function shift_right(x : in real ; n : in natural) return real is
        return x / (2.0**n) ;
    end function ;

    function shift_right(x : in integer ; n : in natural) return integer is
        return x / integer(2.0**n) ;
    end function ;

    function to_real generic (scale : real := 65536.0 ) parameter (x : in signed) return real is
        return real(to_integer(x))/scale ;
    end function ;

    function to_real(x : in float) return real is
        return ieee.float_pkg.to_real(x) ;
    end function ;

    function to_real(x : in real) return real is
        return x ;
    end function ;

    function to_real generic (scale : real := 65536.0) parameter (x : in integer) return real is
        return real(x)/scale ;
    end function ;

    function resize(x : in float ; size : in float) return float is
        return ieee.float_pkg.resize(x, size) ;
    end function ;

    function resize(x : in sfixed ; size : in sfixed) return sfixed is
        return ieee.fixed_pkg.resize(x, size) ;
    end function ;

    function resize(x : in real ; size : in real) return real is
        return x ;
    end function ;

    function from_real(x : in real ; size : in float) return float is
        return to_float(x, size) ;
    end function ;

    function from_real(x : in real ; size : in real) return real is
        return x ;
    end function ;

    function from_real generic(scale : real := 65536.0) parameter (x : in real ; size : in integer) return integer is
        return integer(round(scale*x)) ;
    end function ;

    function from_real generic(scale : real := 65536.0) parameter (x : in real ; size : in signed) return signed is
        return to_signed(integer(scale*x), size'length) ;
    end function ;

    function from_real(x : in real ; size : in sfixed) return sfixed is
        return to_sfixed(x, size) ;
    end function ;

end package body ;

library work ;
use work.convert.to_real ;
use work.convert.from_real ;

package convert_integer is
    function from_real_q12 is new from_real[real, integer return integer] generic map (scale => 4096.0) ;
    function from_real_q15 is new from_real[real, integer return integer] generic map (scale => 32768.0) ;

    function to_real_q12 is new to_real[integer return real] generic map (scale => 4096.0) ;
    function to_real_q15 is new to_real[integer return real] generic map (scale => 32768.0) ;

    function resize(x : in integer ; size : in integer) return integer ;
end package ;

package body convert_integer is
    function resize(x : in integer ; size : in integer) return integer is
        return x ;
    end function ;
end package body ;

library ieee ;
library work ;
use ieee.numeric_std.all ;
use work.convert.to_real ;
use work.convert.from_real ;

package convert_signed is
    function from_real_sc12 is new from_real[real, signed return signed] generic map (scale => 4096.0) ;
    function from_real_sc15 is new from_real[real, signed return signed] generic map (scale => 32768.0) ;

    function to_real_sc12 is new to_real[signed return real] generic map (scale => 4096.0) ;
    function to_real_sc15 is new to_real[signed return real] generic map (scale => 32768.0) ;
end package ;

package generic_complex_pkg is
  generic (
    type T ;
    function "+"(l, r : T) return T is <> ;
    function "-"(l, r : T) return T is <> ;
    function "*"(l, r : T) return T is <> ;
    function "/"(l, r : T) return T is <> ;
    function to_real(x : in T) return real is <> ;
    function from_real(x : in real ; size : in T) return T is <> ;
    function to_string(arg : T) return string is <> ;
    function resize(arg : in T ; size : in T) return T is <> ;
    function shift_right(arg : in T ; n : in natural) return T is <>
  ) ;

    constant COPYRIGHT : string := "Copyright Brian Padalino (  Licensed Apache 2.0." ;

    type complex is record
        re : T ;
        im : T ;
    end record ;

    type complex_vector is array(natural range <>) of complex ;

    function "+"(l, r : in complex) return complex ;
    function "+"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex ;
    function "+"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex ;

    function "-"(l, r : in complex) return complex ;
    function "-"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex ;
    function "-"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex ;

    function "*"(l, r : in complex) return complex ;
    function "*"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex ;
    function "*"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex ;

    function "/"(l, r : in complex) return complex ;
    function "/"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex ;
    function "/"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex ;

    function conj(z : in complex) return complex ;

    function magsq(z : in complex) return T ;

    function to_string(arg : complex) return string ;

    function to_complex(x : in real ; y : in real := 0.0 ; size : complex) return complex ;
    function to_complex(x : in real ; y : in real := 0.0 ; size : T) return complex ;

    function resize(arg : in complex ; size : in complex) return complex ;

    function shift_right(arg : in complex ; n : in natural) return complex ;

end package ;

package body generic_complex_pkg is

    function magsq(z : in complex) return T is
        return* +* ;
    end function ;

    function shift_right(arg : in complex ; n : in natural) return complex is
        return complex'(shift_right(, n), shift_right(, n)) ;
    end function ;

    function "+"(l, r : in complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re => ( +, im => ( + ;
    end function ;

    function "+"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex is
        return l + complex'(re => r, im => from_real(0.0, r)) ;
    end function ;

    function "+"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex is
        return r + complex'(re => l, im => from_real(0.0, l)) ;
    end function ;

    function "-"(l, r : in complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re => ( -, im => ( - ;
    end function ;

    function "-"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex is
        return l - complex'(re => r, im => from_real(0.0, r)) ;
    end function ;

    function "-"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re => l, im => from_real(0.0, l)) - r ;
    end function ;

    function "*"(l, r : in complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re => (* -*, im => (* +* ;
    end function ;

    function "*"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex is
        return l * complex'(re => r, im => from_real(0.0, r)) ;
    end function ;

    function "*"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re => l, im => from_real(0.0, l)) * r ;
    end function ;

    function "/"(l, r : in complex) return complex is
        constant temp : T := magsq(r) ;
        if temp = from_real(0.0, temp) then
            report "Attempt to divide complex by (0.0, 0.0)" severity error ;
            return complex'(from_real(real'high, temp), from_real(0.0, temp)) ;
        end if ;

        return complex'( re => (* +* / temp, im => (* -* ;
    end function ;

    function "/"(l : in complex ; r : in T) return complex is
        if r = from_real(0.0, r) then
            report "Attempt to divide complex by 0.0" severity error ;
            return complex'(re => from_real(real'high, r), im => from_real(0.0, r)) ;
        end if ;
        return complex'( / r, / r) ;
    end function ;

    function "/"(l : in T ; r : in complex) return complex is
        if = from_real(0.0, and = from_real(0.0, then
            report "Attempt to divide complex by (0.0, 0.0)" severity error ;
            return complex'(re => from_real(real'high,, im => from_real(0.0, ;
        end if ;
        return complex'(l/magsq(r) *, (from_real(0.0, * ;
    end function ;

    function conj(z : in complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re =>, im => from_real(0.0, ;
    end function ;

    function to_string(arg : complex) return string is
        return "(" & to_string(to_real( & "," & to_string(to_real( & "j)" ;
    end function ;

    function to_complex(x : in real ; y : in real := 0.0; size : complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re => from_real(x,, im => from_real(y, ;
    end function ;

    function to_complex(x : in real ; y : in real := 0.0; size : T) return complex is
        return complex'(re => from_real(x, size), im => from_real(y, size)) ;
    end function ;

    function resize(arg : in complex ; size : in complex) return complex is
        return complex'(re => resize(,, im => resize(, ;
    end function ;

end package body ;

library ieee ;
library work ;
use ieee.fixed_pkg.all ;
use work.convert.all ;
package complex_sfixed is new work.generic_complex_pkg generic map(T => sfixed, resize => work.convert.resize) ;

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.math_real.all ;
use ieee.fixed_pkg.all ;
use work.complex_sfixed.all ;
use work.types.all ;

entity pfb_analysis is
  generic (
    H           :   sfixed_vector ;
    N           :   positive
  ) ;
  port (
    clock       :   in  std_ulogic ;
    reset       :   in  std_ulogic ;

    in_sample   :   in  complex ;
    in_valid    :   in  std_ulogic ;

    out_sample  :   out complex ;
    out_valid   :   out std_ulogic
  ) ;
end entity ;

architecture arch of pfb_analysis is

    function clog2(x : in natural) return natural is
        return integer(ceil(log2(real(x)))) ;
    end function ;

    constant TAPS_PER_LEG : positive := integer(ceil(real(H'length) / real(N))) ;

    type taps_t is array(natural range 0 to N-1) of sfixed_vector(0 to TAPS_PER_LEG-1)(H'element'range) ;
    type state_t is array(natural range 0 to N-1) of complex_vector(0 to TAPS_PER_LEG-1)(re('range), im('range)) ;

    function reshape_taps(h : in sfixed_vector ; n : in positive) return taps_t is
        variable rv : taps_t ;
        for leg in 0 to N-1 loop
            for tap in rv(leg)'range loop
                rv(leg)(tap) := H(leg+tap*TAPS_PER_LEG) ;
            end loop ;
        end loop ;
        return rv ;
    end function ;

    constant taps : taps_t := reshape_taps(H, N) ;

    signal state : state_t ;

    signal state_valid      : std_ulogic ;
    signal prod_valid       : std_ulogic ;
    signal accum_valid      : std_ulogic ;
    signal retime_valids    : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) ;

    signal state_idx : natural range 0 to N-1 ;
    signal prod_idx : natural range 0 to N-1 ;

    subtype PRODS_RANGE is integer range sfixed_high(H(H'low),'*', downto sfixed_low(H(H'low),'*', ;
    signal prods : complex_vector(0 to TAPS_PER_LEG-1)(re(PRODS_RANGE), im(PRODS_RANGE)) ;

    subtype ACCUM_RANGE is integer range PRODS_RANGE'left+clog2(TAPS_PER_LEG)-1 downto PRODS_RANGE'right ;
    signal accum : complex(re(ACCUM_RANGE), im(ACCUM_RANGE)) ;

    signal retimed : complex_vector(retime_valids'range)(re(ACCUM_RANGE), im(ACCUM_RANGE)) ;

    -- Unknown why this is necessary ...
    --function "*"(l : in complex ; r : in unresolved_sfixed) return complex is
    --    return complex'( * r, * r) ;
    --end function ;


    shift_state : process(clock)
        if( rising_edge(clock) ) then
            if( reset = '1' ) then
                state_valid <= '0' ;
                state_idx <= 0 ;
                state_valid <= in_valid ;
                if( in_valid = '1' ) then
                    state(state_idx) <= in_sample & state(state_idx)(0 to state(state_idx)'high-1) ;
                    state_idx <= (state_idx + 1) mod N ;
                end if ;
            end if ;
        end if ;
    end process ;

    multiply_taps : process(clock)
        if( rising_edge(clock) ) then
            if( reset = '1' ) then
                prod_valid <= '0' ;
                prod_idx <= 0 ;
                prod_valid <= state_valid ;
                if( prod_valid = '1') then
                    for sample_idx in 0 to TAPS_PER_LEG-1 loop
                        prods(sample_idx) <= state(prod_idx)(sample_idx) * taps(prod_idx)(sample_idx) ;
                    end loop ;
                    prod_idx <= (prod_idx + 1) mod N ;
                end if ;
            end if ;
        end if ;
    end process ;

    accumulate : process(clock)
        variable temp : accum'subtype ;
        if( rising_edge(clock) ) then
            if( reset = '1' ) then
                accum_valid <= '0' ;
                accum_valid <= prod_valid ;
                if( prod_valid = '1' ) then
                    for sample_idx in prods'range loop
                        if( sample_idx = 0 ) then
                            temp := resize(prods(sample_idx), temp) ;
                            temp := resize(temp + prods(sample_idx), temp) ;
                        end if ;
                        accum <= temp ;
                    end loop ;
                end if ;
            end if ;
        end if ;
    end process ;

    retime : process(clock)
        if( rising_edge(clock) ) then
            if( reset = '1' ) then
                retime_valids <= (others =>'0') ;
                retime_valids <= retime_valids(retime_valids'high-1 downto 0) & accum_valid ;
                if( accum_valid = '1' ) then
                    retimed <= retimed(retimed'high-1 downto 0) & accum ;
                end if ;
            end if ;
        end if ;
    end process ;

    present_output : process(clock)
        if( rising_edge(clock) ) then
            if( reset = '1' ) then
                out_valid <= '0' ;
                out_valid <= retime_valids(retime_valids'high) ;
                if( retime_valids(retime_valids'high) = '1' ) then
                    out_sample <= resize(retimed(retimed'high), out_sample) ;
                end if ;
            end if ;
        end if ;
    end process ;

end architecture ;
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.fixed_pkg.all ;
use work.complex_sfixed.all ;
use work.types.all ;

entity pfb_analysis_tb is
end entity ;

architecture test of pfb_analysis_tb is

    subtype SC16Q12 is integer range 3 downto -12 ;
    subtype Q18 is integer range 0 downto -18 ;

    procedure nop(signal clock : in std_ulogic ; count : in natural) is
        for x in 0 to count loop
            wait until rising_edge(clock) ;
        end loop ;
    end procedure ;

    procedure print(msg : in string) is
        variable l : std.textio.line ;
        std.textio.write(l, msg) ;
        std.textio.writeline(std.textio.output, l) ;
    end procedure ;

    constant PFB_TAPS_T12_N16 : sfixed_vector(0 to 12*16-1)(Q18) := (
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000002354394734, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000006049282409, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000011191187403, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000017772836299, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000025644176017, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000034489118891, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000043811021434, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000052929746121, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000060992757947, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000067002064768, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000069857934829, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000068419246738, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000061579095308, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000048352956784, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000027975389321, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000035603655360, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000078363362398, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000127235274775, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000180560205233, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000236052193003, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000290825314666, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000341463132512, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000384133107340, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000414745811064, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000429155962960, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000423399318215, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000393956421716, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000338031386173, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000253831354108, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000140830349878, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000166010747395, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000352764121257, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000554005738431, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000761733208870, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000966369962076, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001157048331608, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001322000383148, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001449048892038, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001526184553349, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001542209266509, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001487419527549, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001354298943282, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001138184999508, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000837872784442, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000456117651960, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000518881455583, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.001084416303584, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.001676210195279, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.002270046104377, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.002838581176907, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003352269981135, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003780493181228, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004092858914878, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004260633042833, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004258244554467, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004064804333593, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003665569736097, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003053284446370, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.002229323194452, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.001204574328861, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001353176296439, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.002813692113246, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.004330900201825, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.005845858814512, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.007292843888749, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.008601249731253, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.009697826120807, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010509182339391, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010964473380595, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010998171266272, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010552815717736, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.009581633925961, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.008050919222966, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.005942063253905, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.003253145754319, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003783310043715, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.008044643549467, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.012714586504025, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.017707898760046, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.022925572167622, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.028257442299265, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.033585272831069, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.038786210984937, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.043736495520700, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.048315286392086, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.052408477956454, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.055912355944827, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.058736962404713, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.060809042421414, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.062074461253546, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.062500000000000, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.062074461253546, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.060809042421414, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.058736962404713, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.055912355944827, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.052408477956454, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.048315286392086, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.043736495520700, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.038786210984937, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.033585272831069, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.028257442299265, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.022925572167622, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.017707898760046, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.012714586504025, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.008044643549467, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003783310043715, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.003253145754319, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.005942063253905, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.008050919222966, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.009581633925961, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010552815717736, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010998171266272, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010964473380595, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.010509182339391, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.009697826120807, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.008601249731253, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.007292843888749, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.005845858814512, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.004330900201825, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.002813692113246, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001353176296439, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.001204574328861, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.002229323194452, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003053284446370, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003665569736097, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004064804333593, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004258244554467, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004260633042833, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.004092858914878, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003780493181228, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.003352269981135, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.002838581176907, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.002270046104377, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.001676210195279, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.001084416303584, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000518881455583, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000456117651960, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000837872784442, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001138184999508, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001354298943282, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001487419527549, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001542209266509, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001526184553349, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001449048892038, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001322000383148, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.001157048331608, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000966369962076, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000761733208870, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000554005738431, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000352764121257, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000166010747395, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000140830349878, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000253831354108, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000338031386173, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000393956421716, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000423399318215, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000429155962960, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000414745811064, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000384133107340, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000341463132512, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000290825314666, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000236052193003, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000180560205233, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000127235274775, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000078363362398, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed( 0.000035603655360, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(                 0, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000027975389321, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000048352956784, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000061579095308, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000068419246738, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000069857934829, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000067002064768, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000060992757947, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000052929746121, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000043811021434, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000034489118891, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000025644176017, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000017772836299, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000011191187403, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000006049282409, Q18'left, Q18'right),
        to_sfixed(-0.000002354394734, Q18'left, Q18'right)
    ) ;

    signal clock : std_ulogic := '1' ;
    signal reset : std_ulogic := '1' ;

    signal in_sample : complex(re(SC16Q12), im(SC16Q12)) ;
    signal in_valid : std_ulogic := '0' ;

    signal out_sample : complex(re(SC16Q12), im(SC16Q12)) ;
    signal out_valid : std_ulogic ;


    clock <= not clock after 1 ns ;

    U_pfb : entity work.pfb_analysis
      generic map (
        H           =>  PFB_TAPS_T12_N16,
        N           =>  16
      ) port map (
        clock       =>  clock,
        reset       =>  reset,

        in_sample   =>  in_sample,
        in_valid    =>  in_valid,

        out_sample  =>  out_sample,
        out_valid   =>  out_valid
      ) ;

    tb : process
        print("Starting simulation...") ;
        reset <= '1' ;
        in_valid <= '0' ;
        nop(clock, 100) ;
        reset <= '0' ;
        nop(clock, 100) ;
        in_sample <= to_complex(0.0, 0.0, in_sample) ;
        in_valid <= '1' ;
        nop(clock, 16*12*2) ;
        in_sample <= to_complex(1.0, 1.0, in_sample) ;
        nop(clock, 16*12*2) ;
        in_sample <= to_complex(0.0, 0.0, in_sample) ;
        nop(clock, 16*12*2) ;
        in_valid <= '0' ;
        nop(clock, 10) ;
        print("Done with simulation") ;
        std.env.stop ;
    end process ;

end architecture ;
$ nvc --std=2008 -a test.vhdl -e pfb_analysis_tb

Kind       instance
Blocks     1
Registers  11
Types      14
Variables  1
  H                                     // [*, *] : 0..8 => 0..8, constant
   0: r0 := package init WORK.COMPLEX_SFIXED // P<WORK.COMPLEX_SFIXED>
      r1 := package init STD.STANDARD   // P<STD.STANDARD>
      r2 := package init WORK.TYPES     // P<WORK.TYPES>
      r3 := package init IEEE.FIXED_PKG // P<IEEE.FIXED_PKG>
      r4 := package init IEEE.MATH_REAL // P<IEEE.MATH_REAL>
      r5 := package init IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164 // P<IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164>
      r6 := var upref 1, PFB_TAPS_T12_N16 // @<0..8> => 0..8
      r7 := const 0                     // -2^31..2^31-1 => 0
      r8 := const 191                   // -2^31..2^31-1 => 191
      r9 := const 0                     // 0..1 => 0
      r10 := wrap r6 [r7 r8 r9]         // [*] : 0..8
      H := store r10     <----

** Fatal: variable and stored value do not have same type
[0x55b3dd99f7f3] ../src/diag.c:1015 diag_femit
[0x55b3dd8daa82] ../src/util.c:585 fatal_trace
[0x55b3dd98350d] ../src/vcode.c:3679 emit_store
[0x55b3dd97e351] ../src/lower.c:12139 lower_generics.lto_priv.0
[0x55b3dd936d9a] ../src/lower.c:12460 lower_instance
[0x55b3dd936d9a] ../src/lower.c:1250 elab_lower.lto_priv.0
[0x55b3dd93aed5] ../src/elab.c:1475 elab_instance.lto_priv.0
[0x55b3dd93e5bc] ../src/elab.c:1791 elab_stmts.lto_priv.0
[0x55b3dd940437] ../src/elab.c:1963 elab_top_level
[0x55b3dd942b9f] ../src/elab.c:2032 elab
[0x55b3dd8e426f] ../src/nvc.c:456 elaborate
[0x55b3dd8e15ef] ../src/nvc.c:1878 process_command
[0x55b3dd8e1a4c] ../src/nvc.c:1521 gui_cmd
[0x55b3dd8e1a4c] ../src/nvc.c:1909 process_command
[0x55b3dd8d83e0] ../src/nvc.c:2015 main

Unsure if it has something to do with the resolved nature of sfixed versus the results of the functions being UNRESOLVED_sfixed, but I think Riviera PRO has that issue.

nickg commented 7 months ago

This is fixed in 125d95bc6f but I had to change

subtype PRODS_RANGE is integer range sfixed_high(H(H'low),'*', downto sfixed_low(H(H'low),'*', ;


subtype PRODS_RANGE is integer range sfixed_high(H(H'low)'high,H(H'low)'low,'*','high,'low) + 1 downto sfixed_low(H(H'low)'high,H(H'low)'low,'*','high,'low) ;

Because according to the static elaboration rules in 14.4 a signal's value cannot be read until after the entire design hierarchy is elaborated and we cannot tell at analysis time whether sfixed_high will actually read the value or not (this check was missing for subtype declaration). The + 1 is required because "*" returns an extra carry bit.

bpadalino commented 7 months ago

Slightly confused about the static elaboration rules. Is the issue because H is unconstrained at the entity declaration?

Questa gives me a warning sounding similar:

** Warning: test.vhdl(397): (vcom-1013) Subtype "PRODS_RANGE" depends on value of signal "in_sample".

Is this something that could be turned into a warning with relaxed rules?

nickg commented 7 months ago

Slightly confused about the static elaboration rules. Is the issue because H is unconstrained at the entity declaration?

No, it's because a signal has no value until after the whole design is elaborated and the initial signal values are calculated. The left and right bounds of the subtype range are evaluated when the subtype declaration is elaborated and passing a signal to a function counts as reading it. From section 14.4:

In addition, if a primary in such an expression is a function call, then the value of any object denoted by or appearing as a part of an actual designator in the function call shall be defined at the time the expression is evaluated.

It downgrades to a warning with --relaxed already as long as the signal's subtype is fully constrained or it has a default value. The way this works is a bit of a hack though and I'd rather get rid of it but I think it was required for UVVM at some point.