nickg / nvc

VHDL compiler and simulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Aggregates and VHDL-2008 stuff #827

Closed JimLewis closed 5 months ago

JimLewis commented 5 months ago

Maybe related to the previous one, but probably not so I filed it separately. The following test case produces the following. Something is very wrong with the first assignment to the variable SLV. nvc --std=08 -H 128m --work=DefaultLib:C:/tools/VHDL_LIBS/nvc-1.11.2/DEFAULTLIB.08 -L C:/tools/VHDL_LIBS/nvc-1.11.2 -r --ieee-warnings=off aggregate_slice_2008 %% Log ALWAYS aggregate_slice_2008s in assignments follow direction of array at 0 ns %% Alert ERROR SLV := (3 downto 0 => X"C", others => '0') Received : 01 ?= Expected : 0C at 0 ns %% Log PASSED SLV := (7 downto 4 => '0') & X"C" Received : 0C at 0 ns %% DONE FAILED aggregate_slice_2008 Total Error(s) = 1 Failures: 0 Errors: 1 Warnings: 0 Passed: 1 Affirmations Checked: 2 at 0 ns

Seems like the first assignment made it unhappy.

library IEEE ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; 
use ieee.numeric_std.all ; 
-- use ieee.numeric_std_unsigned.all ; 

library OSVVM ; 
context OSVVM.OsvvmContext ; 

entity aggregate_slice_2008 is 
end entity aggregate_slice_2008 ; 
architecture test of aggregate_slice_2008 is 

  signal TestDone : BarrierType ; 
  ControlProc : process
    SetTestName("aggregate_slice_2008") ; 
    SetLogEnable(PASSED, TRUE) ; 
    WaitForBarrier(TestDone, 1 ms) ;
    EndofTestReports ;  -- nothing to report here
    std.env.stop ; 
    wait ;
  end process ControlProc ; 

  TestProc : process
    variable SLV : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;
    variable UV : unsigned(0 to 7) ;
    variable SL : std_logic ; 

    wait for 0 ns ;  -- Allow SetLogEnable to be set 
    wait for 0 ns ;

Log("aggregate_slice_2008s in assignments follow direction of array") ; 
    SLV := (3 downto 0 => X"C", others => '0') ; 
    AffirmIfEqual(SLV, X"0C", "SLV := (3 downto 0 => X""C"", others => '0')") ;

-- Does not compile - Yeah!
--    SLV := (others => X"C") ; 
--    AffirmIfEqual(SLV, X"CC", "SLV := (3 downto 0 => X""C"", others => '0')") ;

    SLV := (7 downto 4 => '0') & X"C" ; 
    AffirmIfEqual(SLV, X"0C", "SLV := (7 downto 4 => '0') & X""C""") ;

    WaitForBarrier(TestDone) ;
    wait ; 

  end process TestProc ; 
end architecture test ; 
nickg commented 5 months ago

I think this has the same cause as #826, the test passes now anyway.

JimLewis commented 5 months ago

I installed updates for #826 and this one still failed. The other ones PASSED so I am fairly confident that I actually did the update :)

nickg commented 5 months ago

OK looks like I ran the other test case again by mistake.

nickg commented 5 months ago

JimLewis commented 5 months ago

I concur: Build: SandBox_Aggregates PASSED, Passed: 4, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Analyze Errors: 0, Simulate Errors: 0