nickgammon / BigNumber

BigNumber library for the Arduino
MIT License
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Add an example for pi. #11

Closed Koepel closed 3 years ago

Koepel commented 5 years ago

It could be fun to use BigNumber to calculate Pi. I noticed that the sqrt() function is part of the library. That makes it possible to use the fast Francois Viete formula.

The sketch below calculates Pi with 68 accurate decimal digits with an Arduino Uno in 34 seconds.

// BigNumber example: Calculate Pi using the Francois Viete formula

#include <BigNumber.h>

BigNumber PiViete ()
  // Francois Viete formula
  BigNumber two (2);       // used as a constant value of 2
  BigNumber s (0);         // used in iteration
  BigNumber t (1);         // used in iteration

  for (int i = 0; i < 115; i++) // number of iterations: 10 to 115
    BigNumber r = s + two; // temporary value
    s = r.sqrt ();
    t *= s / two;

  return two / t;          // calculate pi
} // end of function pi

void setup()
  Serial.begin (115200);
  Serial.println ();

  // Arduino Uno
  // -----------
  // The Arduino Uno has only 2k bytes of SRAM.
  // The maximum length of BigNumber is 74 for an Arduino Uno.
  // About 115 iterations in the Francois Viete formula is enough for an Arduino Uno.
  // That will take 34 seconds.
  // Arduino Zero or Arduino MKR
  // ---------------------------
  // For an Arduino Zero, it is possible to set the length of BigNumber to a higher value.
  // For example, the length of BigNumber to 1000, and 1500 iterations.
  // That will take 8 hours.
  BigNumber::begin (74);    // Length of the BigNumber. 50 is fast, 74 is slow.

  Serial.println ("Please wait patiently (34 seconds with Arduino Uno)");
  Serial.println ("pi (as text)       = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706");

  unsigned long start = millis();

  BigNumber pi = PiViete ();

  unsigned long finish = millis();

  Serial.print ("pi (Viete formula) = ");
  Serial.println (pi);
  Serial.print ("It took ");
  Serial.print ((finish - start) / 1000UL);
  Serial.print (" seconds.");

} // end of setup

void loop () { }
nickgammon commented 5 years ago

Good idea. I've added that to the examples:

I added the F() macro to save RAM.