nickgillian / grt

gesture recognition toolkit
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Urgent Question (problem when using .csv files for Continuous HMM) #137

Open Amir-o-robot opened 6 years ago

Amir-o-robot commented 6 years ago


I write to you concerning the gestutre recognition toolkit and i hope that my message finds you. Actually i tried very primarily to use the GRT continuous HMM model, i am trying to see how it works. When i used the file wine.csv (just as an example of a file.csv) i found that i receive the error:

[ERROR Matrix] resize(...) - Failed to resize matrix, rows and cols == zero!

While, when i use a .grt file like (HMMTrainingData.grt), things work fine.

In my work i have gestures characterized in x,y,z time-series data, which i want to model in states through your HMM left-rigth model. I can easily convert the x,y,z time-series data to .csv files, however, i dunno how to create equivalent .grt files from them.

So my question, can i use your continuous HMM model with a .csv file?

Thank for your help,,,

